it fully restores the pp of either all or one of your pokemons moves i forget
Right, You cannot get an pp max in Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl nor platinum!
You can use elixirs, max elixers, and leppa berries.
sadly no, ether, max ether, elixir, and max elixir, all pp gainers are not sold in the pokemarket, you have to find it with the dowsing machine
Elixer and Max Elixer both refill pp, normal elixer recovers 5pp while max recovers the max pp. The item pp-up will increase any moves pp by 20% of its max pp.
i think that it is in the Pokemon mansion
Right, You cannot get an pp max in Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl nor platinum!
they fully restore the pp for one move
you have to use your itemfinder and pick it up somewhere in sinnoh.
You can use elixirs, max elixers, and leppa berries.
sadly no, ether, max ether, elixir, and max elixir, all pp gainers are not sold in the pokemarket, you have to find it with the dowsing machine
I don't think there is. I know there is a max pp code, though.
Pp up
Elixer and Max Elixer both refill pp, normal elixer recovers 5pp while max recovers the max pp. The item pp-up will increase any moves pp by 20% of its max pp.
I've only ever found one in game, at Stark Mountain, near the south-east side.
i think that it is in the Pokemon mansion
Pp max are items you use to restore your pp if it's low or not sure if you can buy them but I'm positive it will restore your pokemons pp fully
Blizzard normally has 5 PP, which can go up to a maximum of 8 PP using PP Ups.