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becuase they didnt want one country to get that powerful

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Q: What is a nation that takes over other nations?
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What is a nation that rules several other nations?

A nation that rules over other nations, known as a dominant or conquering nation, is the founder of an empire of nations.

Is an empire smaller than a nation?

A empire is a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or government while a nation is a large body of people.

What is the economic and political domination of a strong nation over the weaker nations?

It is called imperialism.

What nation most often tell other nations what to do?

America's interfering in world affairs a lot, but if you look at Russia's 'take-over' of Crimea, they are in a sense, telling the population what to do.

The continent of antarctica is covered with glaciers which other nation can cliaim this too?

The Antarctic Treaty, which has been signed by 54 nations, recognizes Antarctica as a continent for peaceful purposes only, meaning no nation can claim sovereignty over it.

What is the different between nationalism and colonialism?

Nationalism: Devotion to the interests of one's nation. Colonialism: A nation's policy of exerting control over foreign nations/territories. == == == ==

What is the difference between nationalism and colonialism?

Nationalism: Devotion to the interests of one's nation. Colonialism: A nation's policy of exerting control over foreign nations/territories. == == == ==

Is Israel a nation?

Israel was created as a nation with a Jewish majority and it has laws that make special provisions favoring Jewish Immigration. As such, it is a Jewish nation. The largest religious minority in Israel are Muslims, with Christians coming in third place. The Israeli government recognizes Jewish, Isamic and Christian authority over religious matters such as marriage and divorce.

What was happening in the world when World War 1 started?

what was happening was that most ofEurope was arguing with the other European nations. then Germany and one other country which i forgot went to take over i believe either France,England or some other nation. then England and France went to stop Germany and that other nation from invading the nation they wanted to invade. i apologize since i left some information blank

All countries throughtout the nation are the same size?

"Countries throughout the nation"? Country and nation means the same thing. Different countries (or nations) over the world have quite different sizes. For example, Brazil is half of South America, the other half is divided among 10 countries or so.

Why is regionalism a problem in developing nations?

Because the other nations dont like when other religions/people take over

Why would a nation get involved in the affairs of another nation culturally?

They want to change and take over the other nation.