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Q: What is a name that a word often begins questions?
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In poetry the first word in each line often begins with what?

it often begins with a capital letter.

The second word of this islands nations name begins with the letter z?

New Zealand is an island nation. The second word of its name begins with the letter Z.

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What is a word that is not often used that begins with the letter A?

Ambrosially is a word that is not used very often. It describes something that is exceptionally pleasing to the senses.

What is an acrosstic for the name Jamie?

An acrostic is a poem where the first letter of each word (or line) spells out a word or phrase. So an acrostic for the name Jamie would simply be a poem where the first line begins with "J", the second line begins with "A", etc. Often these poems are written to describe the word/phrase being spelled out. For example, Joyful Ambitious Mysterious Independent Exciting

What roman word begins with the letter e?

Empanda was the Roman goddess of food. Her name begins with the letter E.

How do you write a sentence with the word inclination?

I often give in to my inclination to answer questions.

What is the name of a comic strip that begins with the word zippo?

Zippo the Pinhead

How do you use what?

The word "what" is used when asking questions, such as 'what is your name?'.

Can you name a four letter word that begins with A?

Amen, able, acre, acts.

What is a name for an aquatic bird that begins with C and is a five letter word?


What is a word that begins with a z that is related to Mississippi?

Zero Road is the name of a road in Meridian, Mississippi.