A male bird is most commonly called a Cock.
Burmy's evolution stage is called Wormadam if it is a female, but is Mothim if it's a male.
no you cant breed male and male. only a ditto and a male, or male and female of the same pokemon
you have to beat the elite four
The male counterpart to the bride is called the groom.
A person that is about to get married is called a bride (female) and a bridegroom(male)
The duration of I Was a Male War Bride is 1.75 hours.
A bride groom is a male. Bride's maids are females.
I Was a Male War Bride was created on 1949-08-19.
The male form of a "bride" is a "groom".
Bride is the female and Groom is the male
In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female.The gender noun for a male is groom.The gender noun for a female is bride.
The Bride. The bridegroom is the male, and the bride is the female.
At a wedding, the bride is the female in the married couple, the male being the groom.