It just looks nice. _______________________________________________________________________ Its a statue you earn after you get 8 badges and talk to "Mr.Goods" the guy in the same city/town as Bebe who says "he can find items for trainers who achive special tasks" or something like that. He can also get you other special prizes for achiving special tasks... the gym statue can be put in your underground hideout for pride of beating all the gym leaders of Sinnoh. Its like saying "I am the greatest! Be jealous." _______________________________________________________________________
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He gives you a gym statue to put in your underground secret base.
The first gym in Pokemon diamond is in Oreburgh City
In Diamond, the statue is Dialga. In Pearl, the statue is Palkia. In Platinum, the statue is a combination of both.
The 6 gym leader in at Canalave City. the gym after the hearthome City gym!!!!!
the sixth gym is in canalave city