For a specially defensive tank, Calm.
For a Dragon Dance killer, Adamant or Jolly.
For a special Lapras, Modest.
Are you kidding? Lapras will never, I repeat, never ever be as strong as articuno!for elite four battles level 55 lapras is good
Yes,there is Lapras. You find Lapras in the Unown Cave.
you need a cheat that can catch a trainer's Pokemon to have lapras. because there is a trainer that has a lapras.
Gyarados does not evolve into Lapras.
Any electric or grass Pokemon is good against Lapras.
Are you kidding? Lapras will never, I repeat, never ever be as strong as articuno!for elite four battles level 55 lapras is good
Lapras has same base attack and base special attack, so it all comes down to chosing attacks that are good for what situation you want to use lapras for. If you are going for a competitive i'd suggest Ice beam, Thunderbolt, Surf and some other attack.
Yes,there is Lapras. You find Lapras in the Unown Cave.
No. Lapras does not evolve and does not have any Pre-Evolved forms.
Pretty good.
Lapras was created in 1996.
lapras i thinklapras
Lapras is a water and ice Pokemon
a good team in red and leaf is...... charzard mewtwo pigeyot lapras weepinbell
you can catch lapras in union cave every friday>> see youtube also you can get one surfing around in i think it is the peak area of the safari zone if you place a bunch of fountains in the water.