

Best Answer

A good gaming headset for Xbox 360 is a Turtle Beachheadset.

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Q: What is a good gaming headset for xbox 360?
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What is the Best gaming headset for xbox 360?


What company produces the X31 gaming headset?

The X31 Gaming headset is produced by Turtle Beach. It is a wireless headset produced for the Xbox 360/PC and uses a digital RF wireless signal in order to receive sound.

Can your Xbox headset work with Xbox 360?


Are Xbox 360 headsets compatible with Xbox?

No, xbox 360 headset can only work with the 360.

Does the xbox 360 elite 120GBcome with a headset?

yes it does. i got the xbox 360 elite and it came with a microsoft wired headset

What kind of headset is good with the Xbox do they make wireless ones?

You can get a wireless headset for the Xbox 360,it comes with a microphone perfect for communicating with your halo buddies.

What does the Xbox 360 Pro come with?

Xbox 360 Pro* One wireless controller * One headset for online gaming communication * One 60 GB hard drive * One Xbox 360 Console * Generally has at least one game bundled with it (sometimes two).

What is the best tv for xbox 360 gaming?

A working tv is good

Does a Xbox 360 arcade have a headset?


Does the Xbox Logitech Wireless headset work with Xbox 360?

yes it does

Does Logitech wireless Xbox headset work with Xbox 360?

no it has to be Microsoft.

My xbox 360 microsoft headset broke and I got another and that one broke so I am wondering what is a good low priced headset for xbox 360?

Check on Ebay,Amazon or Gumtree they give you great deals and good offers and amazing values for your money !