If you are using the emulator. There should be button at the top that allows you to enter the cheat code. By the way you know that you need a master code. That can be found in a cheat website.
maybe you could go to a website
what is the cheat code for edutyping
There is none!
from cheat code central :D
The best cheat and code site The best cheat and code site the best cheat and code site the best cheat and code site is definitely not By Blake Simm Rm 4 Welcome bay school
I checked. There isn't one.
if your at school and need to get on myspace facebook bebo youtube or anything else go to
you can indeed have a cheat code for disney superbia you have to go on the website which is:www.disney superbia cheat codes
it easy you unfriend him
Probably no one knows,just go to a website or buy a cheat code book.
no there is not
A website. (:
The website Cheat Code Central is typically known for providing an extensive list of cheat codes for games. However the site also provides game reviews and games related news.