We need a name that sounds powerful and pro. We no scope and snipe a lot. Also it can't be taken. I am willing to let u join if I like the idea. NBSD Nothingbut skill bitchez
go to barracks and click clan tag then it will say type your clan tag
Click your playercard then click clan tag and you can make up a tag for yourself.
A group that you and your friends can make like for example my clan Is called xGHx and it has 10 people
I assume you mean CLAN tag. A player's clan tag is a set of any 4 **APPROPRIATE** characters that are displayed before a players name in multiplayer.
you cant but you can change your clan tag from the playercard option
the Sosa clan is beast
What clan name? There isn't even any thing there!
there are lots of really good players. the best quickscopers are OpTic clan and FaZe clan.
You can't because it's the treyarch clan tag for Black ops devoloper's only.
As i have got Black Ops for the wii, i am not sure if you can actually join it, or if you have to make a change in your name. I have joined a clan but had to change my name. It went from: your nan to: A nans head all because i joined a clan. I hope this helped :) Yes, you have to find a clan on the web and then usually join their forums/webpage and later you can change your name
A clan tag is basically a ''clan'' name that comes before your username. Clan tags can only be accessed on the XBOX 360 and the PlayStation 3.
XceL is the best clan on ps3 they are in the doubles EU leagueWrong Wrong Wrong My clan is the best which is CaRe add me CaRe_Fly my clan has beat XceL numerous times on many occasions trust me there on my list
NO but you can put your clan on it
FaZe Clan
Join OpTic...its the best sniping and all around clan .....in my opinion
go to barracks and click clan tag then it will say type your clan tag