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Click your playercard then click clan tag and you can make up a tag for yourself.

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Q: How do you make a clan in black ops?
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How do you make a clan tag on black ops?

go to barracks and click clan tag then it will say type your clan tag

What is a clan in black ops?

A group that you and your friends can make like for example my clan Is called xGHx and it has 10 people

How do you Change your Black Ops clan to 3arc?

You can't because it's the treyarch clan tag for Black ops devoloper's only.

How do you make an official clan of call of duty black ops?

The same way you make a regular clan. Go to playercard, clan tag, and then set it as something. Then just get people to join.

What is a good black ops clan for wii?

the Sosa clan is beast

Can you write on your gun on black ops?

NO but you can put your clan on it

Who is the best black ops shooter?

FaZe Clan

How do you create a clan in Call of Duty Black Ops PC?

You start of by going to the Call of duty Black OPS multiplayer menu, then u click on operations and select PlayerCard and u finaly make your lcan by slecting the "clan tag" option

How do you join a clan in Black Ops on Wii?

As i have got Black Ops for the wii, i am not sure if you can actually join it, or if you have to make a change in your name. I have joined a clan but had to change my name. It went from: your nan to: A nans head all because i joined a clan. I hope this helped :) Yes, you have to find a clan on the web and then usually join their forums/webpage and later you can change your name

What should you do if you're looking for a Black Ops PS3 clan?

If you are looking to join or start a black ops clan for ps3, all you have to do is go online and peruse the call of duty forums.

Who wants to my your cod black ops clan?

Do not really understand the question? But I will tell you, anything that has to do with black ops is a bad idea.

What do you think about this clan name for Black ops 2?

What clan name? There isn't even any thing there!