There are lots of fun pokemon rom hacks, i would recommend pokemon light platinum, pokemon sienna (it's not a finished hack though) and pokemon ash gray :)
Pokemon Light Platinum is a rom hack of Pokemon Ruby.
Pokemon ash grey is not an official game It is a Rom hack of Pokemon FireRed
Pokemon Flame of Rage is not an official Pokemon release. It is a rom hack of Pokemon FireRed.
My reccomendation is to use YAPE. I did! MalwareRemovalBot is NOT a ROM hack program, so don't listen to the other guy!
Devihell is a Pokemon created by Destinedjagold, a Rom Hacker. It makes it's first appearance in Pokemon Ruby Destiny Rescue Rangers, a hack of Pokemon Ruby. To play, you must have a ROM playing program such as Visual Boy Advanced, and a CLEAN Pokemon Ruby Rom. That basically means that if you have already patched the ROM, you will screw up the game by trying to patch it. LIPS (Lunar IPS) is a good Patching program.
you cant
You cannot, unless you hack a Pokemon ROM.
Pokemon Chaos Black is a FAKE Pokemon game!its not exacly (sorry about spelling) a game its a ROM hack of Pokemon Leaf Green or Pokemon Fire Red.There are no cheats for it.And heres a tip,DO NOT CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it takes the fun out of the game Trust me i did it before it wasn't fun :( so just enjoy the game.....or ROM hack.
TO map hack on Pokemon emerald get a celebi and talk to may. then go to altering cave and look at your map for 3 minutes.
theres a video on how to hack pokemon android versions on youtube.
Just by using tools.
you cant
you hack
Pokemon Light Platinum is a rom hack of Pokemon Ruby.
no it is a ROM hack from firered
Pokemon ash grey is not an official game It is a Rom hack of Pokemon FireRed
Pokemon ash grey is not an official game It is a Rom hack of Pokemon FireRed