grouch slouch crouch avouch
Scarf is a five letter word for muffler.
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.
Ideal is a five letter word. It is a synonym for perfect.
A five letter word for fizzle out could be Fades Break Droop Faint Go Out Yield Fails
bicep. blimp. champ. chimp. droop. equip. strip. scrap.
grouch slouch crouch avouch
His brother called him a slouch for not helping with the yard cleaning. Students should not slouch against the walls. The gangster's characteristic slouch disguised the machine gun under his coat.
I was always taught not to slouch when I walked; I was told to always stand up straight.
A five letter word for bravery is valor.
A five letter word for a game is "match."
Five letter word for tough:RigidStiffSolidDenseStoutTight
A five letter word for "irritate" is "annoy."