1. Right: used to indicate assent, agreement, or affirmation.
2. Okays: used to indicate approval or assent.
3. Agree: to consent or say yes to.
Scarf is a five letter word for muffler.
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.
Ideal is a five letter word. It is a synonym for perfect.
Hindu is a five letter word ending in u
Another five-letter word for 'change' is 'alter.'
Yes, if the word is "sixty."
Yes,it is a five letter word.
A five letter word for bravery is valor.
A five letter word for a game is "match."
Five letter word for tough:RigidStiffSolidDenseStoutTight
A five letter word for "irritate" is "annoy."
Scarf is a five letter word for muffler.
A five letter word that is the opposite of the word "gradual" and contains a second letter of "l" is a popular word game answer. The five letter word being sought is "fleet."
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.