empty, clear, blank
atoms, books, cooks, doors, ewoks, fools, goons, hooks, idols, knots, loons, moons, noons, obols, proms, rooks, stops, tools, viols, woods, zooms
Five letter adjectives that begin with the letter m:machomagicmajormanlymeatymerrymessyminormintymistymixedmodelmoistmoodymoralmousymuddymuggymurkymushymusty
A five letter word, second letter F is after or often.
5 letter words using A B E K L N C: * ankle * clean * blank * clank * clink * blink * cable * bleak * black * lance
The five letter word in this instance is "wrong".
empty, clear, blank
Horror House on Highway Five was created in 1985.
The duration of Horror House on Highway Five is 1.52 hours.
atoms, books, cooks, doors, ewoks, fools, goons, hooks, idols, knots, loons, moons, noons, obols, proms, rooks, stops, tools, viols, woods, zooms
Highway # 17, the Trans Canada Highway. Is about a five hour drive.
I don't know I am five
It's worth 0 points. It doesn't matter what letter you are using it as. Answer: If you mean a blank tile, it is worth zero (0) point. However, if you mean a blank square on the scrabble board, the points would depend on the assigned value of the letter tile laid on it.
There are four (4) letter tiles each for L and U and two (2) blank tiles in standard scrabble. Hence, the possible combination of lu would be five (5).
Blank DVDs that are single layer are very cheap and only cost about twenty dollars for twenty-five or fifty.