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Q: What is a fine smooth cloth that starts with sat?
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What word means fine smooth cloth and starts with sat?


What is another word for fine smooth cloth beginning with sat?

The cloth is satin.

Another word for fine smooth cloth starting with sat?

satin sateen

What is something very wicked and starts with sat?


Do you answer only the questions you know for the SAT?


When did BtN start?

It starts at 5pm everyday exept sat & sun

What time does the SAT test start in Singapore?

starts at 8am. be there at 7.45am

Where can one fine SAT practice books?

You can find practice books for the SAT exam at your local bookstore. You can also find them at your local library for free or from an SAT preparation course, available at your high school.

What is a passing score on the SAT Subject Test in chemistry?

the passing score starts at 450

Is it true your not supposed to drink water after it has sat in your car?

it doesn't matter where water has sat, in the car, kitchen, bedroom, whatever! it is fine if you left it in your car and drink it.

Is the word an or a used prior to an acronyn that starts with s or m example I took an SAT test or I took a SAT test?

Use "an" before a vowel sound and "a" before a constanant. If you are pronouncing SAT as the word sat, then you would say "a sat test" but if you are pronouncing each letter separately, then it is "an ess ay tee test".

Average sat accepted Columbia?

The average SAT accepted at Columbia is what is considered in the 'A' range. The 'A' range starts at 2100,. Columbia is a holistic application in that they are looking for the well rounded applicant.