

Best Answer

hat, bat, that, cat, chat, mat, sat, fat, pat, at, nat

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Q: What words with the same sound as rat?
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What does the term tapping mean?

"Tapping" means the sound of a light blow or knock. Words with similar meaning include rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat-tat, rat-tat. It is a word mimicking the sound of an action.

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what words have the same vowel sound as bin

What are some example of words with short a sound?

cat, hat, mat, rat, sat

Words that have the at sound?

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What words have the same vowel sound as pat?

The word pat has a short A vowel sound, as in pack and sat. Other rhyming words include bat, cat, chat, fat, gnat, mat, rat, that, and vat. The short A sound is heard in : A words : add, ax, ban, jab, graft, glad, stack A words (silent E) : have, calve AI words : plaid AU words : laugh

What words have the same beginning sound as apple?

Some words that have the same beginning sound as "apple" are apricot, anchor, and actor.

What is the definition of rhyme in terms of poetry?

Similar sounds occurring in two or more words

Does rattle have a short vowel sound?

Yes. The A is a short A sound, as in rat. (rat-uhl)

Does rat have a long vowel sound?

"Rat" has a short vowel sound. By comparison, "Rate" has a long vowel sound.

Examples of words that sound the same as give?

Live, sieve, forgive.