Zealous is a feeling.
Malice is a feeling of ill will. Hatred is another feeling of ill will toward another person.
· yearning
A feeling of stress
yes having stress can kill you
Strees decreases after the plastic range because the material has releived the strees through movement.
lateally stress and goner strees and gape strees make a indacaple type of stress that make yo hitt.
indications for terminating strees testing ?
if its enviroment is full of strees and noise yess..
Becuase it relives strees. dont do it, its bad for you. Trust me i went there!
Mental stress...
Spongy bone
In the California gold rush people needed cheap jeans so Levi strees made them
for most people taekwond is a sport or a strees relever but i personaly take it seriously ,so pliz if you are not serious it is better not to do it.