5 babies born from the same mother at once are called quintuplets.
Ness is from the game Mother 2 on the SNES, which was called Earthbound when released in the US. Lucas comes from Mother 3.
No - Ness and Lucas are unrelated. They come from the MOTHER series of video games. Ness is in the 2nd Mother Game, which is called Mother 2, a.k.a. EarthBound. Lucas is in the 3rd Mother Game, which is called Mother 3. Lucas lives hundreds of years after Ness, and they don't even know each other exist. They kind of "came together" in Brawl, though.
her mother is called Johanna.
Jaguar babies are called cubs. They are usually born in litters of one to four cubs and are cared for by their mother until they are old enough to fend for themselves.
A lion's mother is called a lioness. Lionesses are responsible for hunting and caring for the young cubs in the pride.
a mother leopard can have 1-2 cubs
A cheetah's offspring is called a cub. The mother typically gives birth to a litter of 2-4 cubs, which are born blind and helpless. The cubs stay with their mother for about 1.5-2 years before venturing out on their own.
The mother and her cubs The dad leaves after the mother had Cubs
A baby lion is called a cub. Lion cubs are born after a gestation period of about 3.5 months and are typically cared for by their mother until they are old enough to fend for themselves.
Baby tigers are called cubs.
A mother lion is called a lioness. Lionesses are responsible for hunting and caring for the young cubs in a pride. They are highly skilled hunters and work together to take down prey for the pride. Lionesses are known for their strength, agility, and fierce maternal instincts.
The mother will take good care of her cub if it is a single cub. the mother will only choose the strongest to feed and will leave the others if twins or triplets are born. This is the called "abandon behavior" .
Yes. By mimicking their mother, the cubs learn to be self-sufficient.
a mother leopard teaches its cubs to cross the road so they won't get ran over
The male does not assist in the raising of the cubs, but they stay with their mother for up to 18 months.