

Best Answer

A boart is another term for a bort, a poor-quality or badly-crystallized diamond.

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Q: What is a boart?
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What is a five letter word with the fourth letter being the letter r?

abort, acari, acerb, acorn, adore, adorn, afars, afire, afore, agars, agers, aggro, agora, alarm, alary, alert, ambry, amirs, amort, andro, angry, antra, antre, apart, apers, apery, aport, avers, avert, award, aware, azure, bairn, barre, beard, bears, beers, beery, berry, biers, birrs, blare, blurb, blurs, blurt, board, boars, boart, boors, bourg, bourn, buhrs, burro, burrs, burry, cadre, caird, cairn, carry, ceorl, chard, chare, chark, charm, charr, chars, chart, chary, chert, chirk, chirm, chiro, chirp, chirr, chiru, chord, chore, churl, churn, churr, cirri, claro, clary, clerk, cobra, coirs, copra, court, cowry, crore, crura, currs, curry, czars, dairy, dears, deary, decry, deers, derry, diary, dobra, dobro, doers, doors, dorrs, doura, dowry, durra, durrs, dwarf, dyers, eagre, egers, emery, emirs, enorm, entry, enure, evert, every, ewers, exert, extra, exurb, eyers, faery, fairs, fairy, fears, ferry, fiars, fibre, fiery, fiord, firry, fjord, flare, flirs, flirt, flora, fours, frere, frore, furry, gaurs, gears, genre, genro, glare, glary, glory, gnarl, gnarr, gnars, goers, gourd, guard, guars, guiro, gurry, haars, hairs, hairy, harry, heard, hears, heart, heirs, henry, herry, hijra, hoard, hoars, hoary, hoers, houri, hours, hurry, hydra, hydro, inarm, indri, inert, infra, intro, inure, inurn, ivory, ixora, izars, jagra, jeers, jerry, kauri, kaury, kbars, keirs, kerry, kiers, knars, knurl, knurs, kukri, kyars, labra, laird, lairs, laura, learn, lears, leary, leers, leery, lehrs, liard, liars, libra, libri, liers, litre, livre, lorry, lours, loury, lucre, lyard, lyart, lycra, maars, macro, madre, mairs, marry, mbira, merry, metre, metro, micra, micro, mikra, mitre, moira, moire, moors, moory, morro, mourn, mucro, mudra, murra, murre, murrs, murry, myrrh, nacre, naira, nairu, nears, nitre, nitro, ochre, ochry, odors, ombre, omers, onery, opera, outre, ovary, overs, overt, oyers, padre, padri, pairs, parrs, parry, pearl, pears, peart, pedro, peers, peery, perry, piers, poori, pours, purrs, quare, quark, quart, quern, query, quire, quirk, quirt, rearm, rears, redry, refry, repro, retro, retry, roars, ruers, sabra, sabre, sacra, saury, scare, scarf, scarp, scars, scart, scary, score, scorn, scurf, sears, seers, serry, shard, share, shark, sharn, sharp, sherd, shire, shirk, shirr, shirt, shore, shorl, shorn, short, sirra, skirl, skirr, skirt, skort, slurb, slurp, slurs, smarm, smart, smerk, smirk, snare, snarf, snark, snarl, snore, snort, soars, sorry, sours, spare, spark, spars, sperm, spire, spirt, spiry, spore, sport, spurn, spurs, spurt, stare, stark, stars, start, stere, stern, stirk, stirp, stirs, store, stork, storm, story, sturt, sucre, suers, supra, surra, sutra, sward, sware, swarf, swarm, swart, swirl, sword, swore, sworn, tahrs, tarre, tarry, tears, teary, terra, terry, tetra, tetri, tharm, there, therm, third, thirl, thorn, thoro, thorp, thurl, tiara, tiers, titre, torrs, tours, tsars, twerp, twirl, twirp, tzars, ultra, umbra, unarm, unary, updry, urare, urari, users, usurp, usury, uteri, vairs, veers, veery, viers, wairs, wears, weary, weird, weirs, wharf, where, whirl, whirr, whirs, whore, whorl, whort, wirra, worry, yaird, yearn, years, yirrs, yourn, yours, zaire, zebra463 words

What are some 5 letter words ending in t?

abaft, abbot, abort, about, adapt, adept, admit, adopt, adult, adust, afoot, afrit, agent, agist, aglet, alant, alert, alist, allot, aloft, ambit, ament, amort, anent, angst, apart, aport, argot, arhat, armet, ascot, asset, atilt, audit, aught, avast, avert, await, beast, beaut, befit, begat, beget, begot, beret, beset, besot, bhoot, bidet, bight, bigot, binit, biont, blast, bleat, blent, blest, bloat, bluet, blunt, blurt, boart, boast, boost, bract, brant, brent, britt, bruit, brunt, built, bundt, buret, burnt, burst, butut, cadet, canst, caput, carat, caret, chant, chapt, chart, cheat, chert, chest, chott, civet, clapt, clast, cleat, cleft, clept, clift, clipt, cloot, clout, coact, coapt, coast, comet, compt, coopt, coset, count, court, covet, craft, crept, crest, croft, cruet, crust, crypt, cubit, culet, curet, curst, daunt, davit, dealt, debit, debut, defat, deist, delft, demit, depot, derat, dicot, didst, dight, digit, divot, dixit, doest, donut, doubt, draft, drest, drift, dript, droit, dropt, ducat, durst, duvet, dwelt, ebbet, eclat, edict, educt, egest, egret, eight, eject, elect, elint, emmet, enact, epact, erect, ergot, eruct, erupt, escot, event, evert, evict, exact, exalt, exert, exist, exult, facet, faint, fault, feast, feint, feist, fight, filet, first, fixit, fleet, flint, flirt, float, flout, fluyt, foist, fount, fritt, front, frost, fruit, fumet, gamut, gault, gaunt, gavot, geest, gemot, genet, ghast, ghaut, ghost, giant, gigot, gleet, glint, gloat, glost, glout, graft, grant, great, greet, grift, griot, gript, grist, groat, grout, grunt, guest, guilt, guyot, habit, hadst, haint, haunt, heart, heist, helot, hight, hoist, horst, hurst, idiot, inapt, inept, inert, ingot, inlet, input, inset, islet, jabot, jaunt, joint, joist, joust, jurat, kaput, karat, karst, kempt, knelt, knout, korat, kraft, krait, kraut, leant, leapt, least, legit, licht, licit, light, limit, lirot, lovat, lunet, lyart, magot, maist, manat, mayst, meant, merit, midst, might, moist, motet, moult, mount, mulct, neist, night, nonet, octet, odist, oncet, onset, orbit, ought, overt, owlet, paint, palet, peart, petit, pewit, phpht, picot, pilot, pinot, pipet, pipit, pivot, plait, plant, pleat, point, posit, poult, prest, print, prost, qanat, quant, quart, qubit, quest, quiet, quilt, quint, quirt, quoit, rabat, ramet, react, rebut, recit, recut, reest, refit, relet, relit, remet, remit, repot, resat, reset, resit, revet, rewet, riant, right, rivet, roast, robot, roost, roset, roust, sabot, saint, sault, sayst, scant, scart, scatt, scent, scoot, scout, shaft, shalt, sheet, shent, shift, shirt, shist, shoat, shoot, short, shott, shout, shunt, sight, skeet, skint, skirt, skort, slant, sleet, slept, slipt, smalt, smart, smelt, smolt, snoot, snort, snout, spait, spelt, spent, spilt, spirt, splat, split, sport, spout, sprat, sprit, spurt, squat, start, stent, stilt, stint, stoat, stopt, stott, stout, strut, stunt, sturt, suint, swart, sweat, sweet, swept, swift, tacet, tacit, taint, tarot, taunt, tempt, tenet, theft, tight, tinct, toast, torot, tract, trait, trapt, treat, trout, trust, tryst, tweet, twist, twixt, unapt, uncut, unfit, ungot, unhat, unlet, unlit, unmet, unset, unwet, unwit, uplit, upset, valet, vault, vaunt, veldt, verst, visit, vomit, waist, wecht, weest, wheat, whipt, whist, whort, wight, worst, wrapt, wrest, wrist, wurst, yacht, yeast, zibet, zizit

What can you spell with the letters t i z n a r o a g d b n?

2-letter wordsaa, ad, ag, ai, an, ar, at, ba, bi, bo, da, do, go, id, in, it, na, no, od, on, or, ta, ti, to3-letter wordsaba, ado, adz, aga, ago, aid, ain, air, ait, ana, and, ani, ant, arb, art, azo, baa, bad, bag, ban, bar, bat, bid, big, bin, bio, bit, biz, boa, bod, bog, bot, bra, dab, dag, dib, dig, din, dit, dog, don, dor, dot, gab, gad, gan, gar, gat, gib, gid, gin, git, goa, gob, god, gor, got, inn, ion, nab, nag, nib, nit, nob, nod, nog, nor, not, oar, oat, obi, ora, orb, ort, rad, rag, ran, rat, ria, rib, rid, rig, rin, rob, rod, rot, tab, tad, tag, tan, tao, tar, tin, tod, tog, ton, tor, zag, zig, zit, zoa4-letter wordsabri, adit, agar, agin, agio, agon, airn, airt, anga, anna, anoa, anon, anta, anti, aria, arid, azan, azon, bait, band, bang, bani, bard, barn, bind, bint, bird, boar, boat, bond, bong, bora, born, bort, bota, brad, brag, bran, brat, brig, brin, brio, brit, dang, darb, darn, dart, data, dato, ding, dint, dirt, dita, doat, doit, dona, dong, drab, drag, drat, drib, gadi, gain, gait, garb, gird, girn, giro, girt, gnar, gnat, goad, goat, grab, grad, gran, grat, grid, grin, grit, grot, inro, into, iota, iron, izar, nana, naoi, nard, nazi, nodi, nona, nota, obia, obit, orad, raga, ragi, raia, raid, rain, rand, rang, rani, rant, rato, rind, ring, riot, ritz, road, roan, rota, tain, tang, tarn, taro, ting, tiro, toad, toga, tong, tora, tori, torn, trad, trig, trio, trod, tzar, zing, zori5-letter wordsabort, adorn, again, agora, agria, anion, antra, aorta, argon, argot, aroid, atria, azido, bairn, baiza, baron, baton, bazar, bigot, bingo, biont, biota, board, boart, bogan, boing, bortz, braid, brain, brand, brant, braza, bring, broad, danio, diazo, dinar, dingo, dobra, doing, donga, donna, drain, droit, garni, gator, giant, giron, goban, gonad, gonia, grain, grana, grand, grant, grind, griot, groan, groat, groin, ingot, intro, nadir, naiad, naira, niton, nitro, noria, orang, orbit, organ, rabat, rabid, radio, radon, ranid, ratan, ratio, riant, riata, robin, tabid, tabor, taiga, tango, tardo, tiara, tigon, tondi, tonga, tragi, train, triad, trigo, trona6-letter wordsabator, aboard, abroad, adagio, adroit, angina, angora, anoint, antiar, anting, aroint, baaing, bagnio, bandit, bandog, banian, baning, banzai, baring, barong, bating, boding, boning, bonita, boring, brogan, dagoba, daring, dating, dazing, doting, dozing, dragon, gabion, ganoid, gazabo, gitano, goanna, gradin, gratin, inborn, indaba, inroad, intron, nation, natron, nonart, noting, oaring, obtain, onagri, orbing, ordain, organa, origan, rabato, radian, randan, rating, ration, razing, riband, roband, robing, tabard, taring, tarzan, toning, trigon, zariba, zoaria, zoning7-letter wordsabandon, abating, aboding, adoring, agatoid, airboat, andiron, atoning, banding, bandora, barding, bargain, biznaga, boating, bonanza, bonding, brazing, brigand, darning, darting, diatron, dingbat, doating, droning, gardant, inboard, orating, organza, radiant, ranting, tabanid, taborin, trading, tzarina, zingano, zingara, zingaro8-letter wordsaborning, aborting, abrading, adnation, adorning, agnation, antidora, bartizan, boarding, borating, branding, bronzing, donating, garbanzo, ignorant, rainband, taboring, tagboard9-letter wordsgradation, indagator, trainband482 words found.

Can you make words using these letters aeooubcflmnrt?

2-letter wordsae, al, am, an, ar, at, ba, be, bo, ef, el, em, en, er, et, fa, la, lo, ma, me, mo, mu, na, ne, no, nu, oe, of, om, on, or, re, ta, to, um, un, ut3-letter wordsace, act, aft, alb, ale, alt, amu, ane, ant, arb, arc, are, arf, arm, art, ate, bal, bam, ban, bar, bat, bel, ben, bet, boa, boo, bot, bra, bum, bun, bur, but, cab, cam, can, car, cat, cob, col, con, coo, cor, cot, cub, cue, cum, cur, cut, ear, eat, eau, ecu, eft, elf, elm, emu, eon, era, ern, eta, fan, far, fat, fem, fen, fer, fet, feu, flu, fob, foe, fon, for, fou, fro, fub, fun, fur, lab, lac, lam, lar, lat, lea, let, leu, lob, loo, lot, lum, mac, mae, man, mar, mat, mel, men, met, moa, mob, mol, mon, moo, mor, mot, mun, mut, nab, nae, nam, neb, net, nob, nom, noo, nor, not, nub, nut, oaf, oar, oat, obe, oca, oft, ole, one, oot, ora, orb, orc, ore, ort, our, out, ram, ran, rat, reb, rec, ref, rem, ret, rob, roc, roe, rom, rot, rub, rue, rum, run, rut, tab, tae, tam, tan, tao, tar, tau, tea, tel, ten, toe, tom, ton, too, tor, tub, tun, urb, urn, uta4-letter wordsabet, able, abut, acme, acne, acre, aeon, aero, alec, alef, alme, aloe, alto, alum, ambo, amen, ante, arco, arum, atom, aunt, auto, bale, balm, bane, bare, barf, barm, barn, bate, beam, bean, bear, beat, beau, belt, bema, bent, berm, beta, blae, blam, blat, blet, bloc, blot, blue, blur, boar, boat, bola, bole, bolo, bolt, bone, boom, boon, boor, boot, bora, bore, born, bort, bota, bout, brae, bran, brat, bren, broo, brut, bumf, bunt, bura, burl, burn, cafe, calf, calm, came, cane, cant, carb, care, carl, carn, cart, cate, caul, celt, cent, cero, clam, clan, clef, clon, clot, club, clue, coal, coat, coft, cola, cole, colt, coma, comb, come, cone, coof, cool, coon, coot, core, corf, corm, corn, cote, crab, cram, cube, culm, cult, curb, cure, curf, curl, curn, curt, cute, earl, earn, ebon, ecru, elan, enol, etna, euro, face, fact, fame, fane, fano, fare, farl, farm, faro, fate, faun, feal, fear, feat, felt, fern, feta, flab, flam, flan, flat, flea, floc, floe, flub, flue, foal, foam, font, fool, foot, fora, forb, fore, form, fort, foul, four, frae, frat, fret, froe, from, fuel, fume, furl, lace, lamb, lame, lane, late, leaf, lean, lear, left, leno, lent, loaf, loam, loan, lobe, lobo, loca, loco, loft, lone, loof, loom, loon, loot, lore, lorn, lota, lour, lout, lube, luce, luna, lune, lunt, lure, lute, mabe, mace, male, malt, mane, mano, marc, mare, marl, mart, mate, maul, maun, maut, meal, mean, meat, melt, meno, menu, meou, merl, meta, moan, moat, mola, mole, molt, mono, mool, moon, moor, moot, mora, more, morn, mort, mote, moue, mule, muon, mura, mure, mute, nabe, name, narc, near, neat, nema, neum, noel, nolo, noma, nome, norm, nota, note, numb, nurl, oboe, obol, olea, oleo, omen, omer, once, onto, oral, orca, orle, race, raft, rale, rant, rate, rato, real, ream, reft, rent, roam, roan, robe, role, roof, room, root, rota, rote, rotl, roto, roue, rout, rube, rule, rune, runt, tabu, tace, taco, tael, talc, tale, tame, tare, tarn, taro, teal, team, tear, tela, term, tern, toea, tofu, tola, tole, tolu, tomb, tome, tone, tool, toom, toon, tora, torc, tore, torn, toro, tour, tram, tref, true, tuba, tube, tufa, tule, tuna, tune, turf, turn, ulan, ulna, umbo, unbe, unco, unto, urea5-letter wordsabler, aboon, abort, about, acerb, acorn, actor, acute, afoot, afore, afoul, after, album, alert, aloft, alone, aloof, alter, amber, amble, ament, amole, amort, amour, anole, antre, armet, artel, atone, bacon, baler, banco, baron, baton, beano, beaut, beton, blame, blare, blate, blear, bleat, blent, bloat, bloom, bluer, bluet, blume, blunt, blurt, boart, bolar, boner, boral, borne, boron, botel, boule, bourn, brace, bract, brant, bream, brent, brome, bromo, bronc, broom, brume, brunt, brute, bunco, buran, buret, burnt, buteo, butle, caber, cable, camel, cameo, caner, canoe, canto, caret, carle, carob, carol, carom, carte, cater, celom, cento, ceorl, claro, clean, clear, cleat, cleft, clomb, clone, cloot, clour, clout, coble, cobra, colon, color, comae, comal, combe, combo, comer, comet, comte, conte, conto, cooer, coomb, coral, cornu, cotan, count, court, craft, crane, crate, cream, croft, crone, croon, cruel, cruet, crumb, cuber, culet, curet, cuter, eclat, embar, enact, enorm, enrol, eruct, fable, facer, facet, fanum, farce, farle, fault, fecal, felon, femur, feral, fetal, fetor, feuar, flame, flare, fleam, float, floor, flora, flota, flour, flout, flume, fluor, flute, focal, foram, force, forme, forte, forum, fount, frame, franc, frena, front, fumer, fumet, furan, futon, labor, lacer, lamer, lance, larum, laten, later, leant, learn, leman, lemon, lemur, lento, lobar, locum, loner, loofa, loran, lucre, lumen, lunar, lunet, lutea, macer, macle, macon, macro, manor, mater, meant, melon, menta, metal, metro, molar, molto, monte, moola, morae, moral, morel, moron, motel, motor, moult, mount, mourn, mucor, mucro, mulct, mural, muter, muton, nacre, namer, narco, nerol, noble, notal, noter, notum, oaten, oater, obole, ocean, ocrea, octal, octan, often, ofter, oleum, omber, ombre, orate, ounce, outer, outre, racon, ramet, rance, ratel, react, realm, rebut, recon, recta, recto, recut, reman, renal, roble, robot, roman, romeo, rouen, route, ruble, rumba, rumen, taber, table, taboo, tabor, taler, talon, tamer, taroc, tenor, tolan, toman, tonal, toner, trace, trona, trone, truce, tubae, tubal, tuber, tumor, tuner, turbo, ulcer, ulema, ulnae, ulnar, ultra, umbel, umber, umbra, unarm, unbar, uncle, unlet, unmet, urate, urban, ureal6-letter wordsabloom, acetum, acumen, acuter, almner, almuce, ambler, amount, amulet, antler, antrum, arbute, armful, armlet, artful, atoner, banter, barmen, batmen, beacon, becalm, befool, befoul, bemoan, blamer, boatel, boater, bolero, bolter, boomer, borane, borate, boreal, boucle, bounce, bourne, bouton, bromal, bronco, brulot, brumal, brunet, brutal, bunter, burnet, burton, butane, butler, cablet, cabmen, calmer, camber, camlet, canful, canter, cantle, cantor, carbon, carful, carmen, carnet, cartel, carton, cental, centra, centum, clamor, claret, cloner, coaler, coater, cobalt, cobnut, coelom, colone, colour, colter, column, colure, comate, combat, comber, confab, confer, contra, cooler, coombe, corban, corbel, cormel, cornea, cornel, cornet, cornua, corona, coteau, couter, crambe, crambo, craton, croton, cumber, cuneal, curate, curtal, cutler, earful, eluant, enamor, enroot, entomb, etalon, fabler, factor, falcon, falter, fantom, faucet, fecula, femora, ferbam, ferula, flacon, flambe, flamen, flamer, flaunt, florae, floret, fluent, fluter, foamer, foeman, foetal, foetor, folate, foment, fontal, footer, footle, formal, format, formol, fouler, frenum, fulcra, fulmar, fumble, furane, labour, labret, labrum, lacune, lamber, lament, lancer, lancet, launce, learnt, lector, loafer, loaner, lobate, locate, lofter, loment, looter, lucent, lucern, lumbar, lumber, lunate, macron, macule, manful, mantel, mantle, manure, marble, marcel, maroon, marten, matron, mature, mauler, melton, mental, mentor, merlon, merlot, molten, molter, mooter, morale, mortal, morula, mouton, muleta, nature, nebula, nectar, neural, nobler, normal, numbat, number, oblate, ocelot, octane, ocular, omenta, oracle, ormolu, ornate, outman, outran, racoon, ramble, ratoon, rebato, recant, recoal, recomb, rectal, rectum, reloan, reluct, rental, retool, robalo, romano, rouble, rubace, rubato, rumble, runlet, tabour, talcum, tambur, tanrec, tenour, tolane, tombac, tombal, tooler, torula, toucan, tramel, trance, tumble, turaco, turban, umbrae, umbral, unable, unbear, unbelt, unbolt, uncool, unfelt, unlace, unmoor, unreal, unrobe, unroof, unroot, untame, urbane7-letter wordsabluent, albumen, aleuron, almoner, automen, baneful, baronet, bloater, bloomer, blunter, boatmen, boomlet, borneol, bouncer, bromate, butanol, calumet, careful, cartoon, cembalo, centaur, central, centrum, clamber, clamour, cloture, clouter, clubman, clubmen, clumber, comfort, conform, confute, contour, control, coolant, coranto, corneal, cornual, cornute, cornuto, coronae, coronal, coronel, coronet, coulomb, coulter, counter, courant, courlan, crouton, crumble, curable, enactor, enamour, facture, femoral, flaneur, floater, flounce, flouter, footler, footman, footmen, foramen, foreman, formant, formate, formula, fortune, fraenum, frenula, frontal, frounce, fumbler, functor, funeral, furcate, furnace, lactone, lambent, lambert, leucoma, locater, locator, lomenta, lucarne, moanful, monocle, montero, moonlet, morceau, morulae, mouflon, moulter, mounter, mutable, nebular, nelumbo, neuroma, neutral, noctule, notable, nuclear, numeral, octanol, omental, ortolan, outbeam, outcome, outearn, outface, outrace, rebloom, reboant, recount, refloat, refutal, remount, romance, romaunt, roomful, rubeola, tambour, tearful, tearoom, telamon, temblor, tombola, tonearm, torulae, touraco, tremolo, trouble, trounce, tumbler, tumbrel, tumoral, tunable, turfman, turfmen, umbonal, unbrace, unclear, uncrate, unmoral8-letter wordsalumroot, amelcorn, anteroom, barefoot, beclamor, bluecoat, bootlace, brocatel, calutron, clubfoot, clubroom, clubroot, coenamor, colorant, columnar, combater, conflate, confuter, cornmeal, courante, couranto, ecotonal, emulator, falconer, falconet, flamenco, flameout, flaunter, footrace, formable, formulae, fumarole, mobocrat, monocrat, monofuel, mooncalf, outclomb, outfable, outlearn, outrance, routeman, trombone, turbofan, turnable, umbonate9-letter wordsconformal, countable, formulate, monocular, mountable, mucronate, nucleator11-letter wordscomfortable, conformable13-letter wordsuncomfortable1371 words found.

How many words can you make with the word triskaidekaphobia?

3-letter wordsaah, aas, aba, ado, ads, aha, aid, air, ais, ait, ape, apt, arb, are, ark, ars, art, ash, ask, asp, ate, baa, bad, bah, bar, bas, bat, bed, bet, bid, bio, bis, bit, boa, bod, bop, bos, bot, bra, dab, dah, dak, dap, deb, dei, des, dib, die, dip, dit, doe, dor, dos, dot, ear, eat, edh, era, ers, eta, eth, had, hae, hao, hap, has, hat, hep, her, hes, het, hid, hie, hip, his, hit, hob, hod, hoe, hop, hot, ids, ire, irk, its, kab, kae, kas, kat, kea, kep, khi, kid, kip, kir, kit, koa, kob, kop, kor, kos, oak, oar, oat, obe, obi, ode, ods, oes, ohs, oka, oke, ope, ops, opt, ora, orb, ore, ors, ort, ose, pad, pah, par, pas, pat, pea, ped, peh, per, pes, pet, phi, pht, pia, pie, pis, pit, pod, poh, poi, pot, pro, psi, rad, rah, rap, ras, rat, reb, red, rei, rep, res, ret, rho, ria, rib, rid, rip, rob, rod, roe, rot, sab, sad, sae, sap, sat, sea, sei, ser, set, sha, she, sib, sip, sir, sit, ska, ski, sob, sod, sop, sot, spa, sri, tab, tad, tae, tao, tap, tar, tas, tea, ted, the, tho, tie, tip, tis, tod, toe, top, tor, tsk4-letter wordsaahs, abas, abed, abet, abri, adit, ados, aero, aide, aids, airs, airt, aits, aped, aper, apes, apod, apse, arak, arbs, area, ares, aria, arid, arks, arts, asea, atap, ates, atop, baas, bade, bads, baht, bait, bake, bard, bare, bark, bars, base, bash, bask, bast, bate, bath, bats, bead, beak, bear, beat, beds, best, beta, beth, bets, bias, bide, bids, bier, bike, bios, bird, birk, bise, bisk, bite, bits, boar, boas, boat, bode, bods, bops, bora, bore, bort, bosh, bosk, bota, both, bots, brad, brae, bras, brat, bred, brie, brio, bris, brit, dabs, dahs, dais, daks, daps, darb, dare, dark, dart, dash, data, date, dato, dear, debs, debt, desk, dhak, dibs, dies, diet, dike, dips, dipt, dire, dirk, dirt, dish, disk, dita, dite, dits, doat, doer, does, doit, dopa, dope, dore, dork, dorp, dors, dose, dost, dote, doth, dots, drab, drat, drek, drib, drip, drop, ears, east, eath, eats, edhs, edit, epha, epos, eras, eros, erst, etas, eths, haar, hade, haed, haes, haet, haik, hair, hake, haps, hard, hare, hark, harp, hart, hasp, hast, hate, hats, head, heap, hear, heat, heir, herb, herd, hero, hers, hest, hets, hide, hied, hies, hike, hips, hire, hist, hits, hoar, hobs, hods, hoed, hoer, hoes, hoke, hope, hops, hora, hose, host, hots, ibis, idea, ides, iota, ired, ires, irid, iris, irks, isba, kaas, kabs, kadi, kaes, kaka, kaki, kapa, kaph, kart, kats, kbar, keas, keir, kepi, keps, kept, kerb, keto, khat, khet, khis, kibe, kids, kier, kips, kirk, kirs, kist, kite, kith, kits, koas, kobs, koph, kops, kors, kris, oaks, oars, oast, oath, oats, obes, obia, obis, obit, odea, odes, ohed, ohia, okas, okeh, okes, okra, opah, oped, opes, opts, orad, orbs, ores, orts, osar, padi, pads, paid, paik, pair, para, pard, pare, park, pars, part, pase, pash, past, pate, path, pats, peak, pear, peas, peat, peds, pehs, peri, perk, pert, peso, pest, pets, phat, phis, phot, pias, pied, pier, pies, pika, pike, pish, pita, pith, pits, pods, poet, pois, poke, pore, pork, port, pose, posh, post, pots, prao, prat, proa, prod, pros, rads, raia, raid, rake, raki, rape, raps, rapt, rase, rash, rasp, rate, rath, rato, rats, read, reap, rebs, redo, reds, reis, repo, reps, resh, rest, rets, rhea, rhos, rias, ribs, ride, rids, riot, ripe, rips, rise, risk, rite, road, robe, robs, rode, rods, roes, rope, rose, rota, rote, rots, sabe, sade, sadi, said, sake, saki, sard, sari, sark, sate, sati, sear, seat, sept, sera, seta, shad, shea, shed, ship, shod, shoe, shop, shot, shri, side, sike, sipe, sire, site, sith, skat, skep, skid, skip, skit, soak, soap, soar, soda, soke, soph, sora, sorb, sord, sore, sori, sort, soth, spae, spar, spat, sped, spit, spot, stab, star, step, stir, stoa, stob, stop, tabs, tads, tahr, taka, take, taos, tapa, tape, taps, tare, taro, tarp, tars, task, teak, tear, teas, teds, tepa, thae, thio, thir, this, thro, tide, tied, tier, ties, tike, tiki, tipi, tips, tire, tiro, toad, tods, toea, toed, toes, toke, tope, toph, topi, tops, tora, tore, tori, tors, tosh, trad, trap, trek, trio, trip, trod, trop, tsar5-letter wordsaahed, abaka, abase, abash, abate, abets, abhor, abide, abode, abort, abris, adapt, adept, adios, adits, adobe, adopt, adore, ahead, aider, aides, aired, airth, airts, aorta, apart, apeak, apers, aphid, aphis, apish, apods, aport, apres, apter, araks, ardeb, areas, arhat, arias, arise, aroid, arose, ashed, aside, asked, asker, askoi, asper, aster, astir, ataps, atria, atrip, baaed, bahts, baith, baits, baked, baker, bakes, barde, bards, bared, bares, barks, based, baser, baste, bated, bates, bathe, baths, batik, beads, beaks, beard, bears, beast, beats, berth, besot, betas, beths, bider, bides, bidet, biers, biked, biker, bikes, bikie, biota, biped, bipod, birds, birks, birse, birth, biter, bites, board, boars, boart, boast, boats, bodes, bohea, boite, boras, bored, bores, borts, botas, brads, braes, braid, brake, brash, brats, bread, break, bride, bries, brios, brisk, brits, broad, broke, brose, broth, darbs, dares, darks, darts, dashi, dater, dates, datos, deair, dears, deash, death, debar, debit, debts, deist, dekko, depot, depth, derat, dhaks, dhobi, dhoti, diets, diker, dikes, dipso, dirks, dirts, ditas, dites, doats, dobie, dobra, doers, doest, doeth, doits, dopas, doper, dopes, dorks, dorps, dorsa, doser, doter, dotes, drabs, drake, drape, drats, dreks, drest, dribs, dries, drips, dript, droit, drops, dropt, earth, edits, eidos, ephas, ephod, ephor, eskar, estop, ethos, haars, habit, hades, hadst, haets, haika, haiks, hairs, hakes, hards, hared, hares, harks, harps, harts, haste, hated, hater, hates, heads, heaps, heard, hears, heart, heats, heirs, heist, herbs, herds, heros, hider, hides, hiked, hiker, hikes, hired, hires, hoard, hoars, hoers, hoise, hoist, hoked, hokes, hoped, hoper, hopes, horas, horde, horse, horst, hosed, hosta, ideas, idiot, iotas, irade, irate, irids, irked, ither, kabar, kadis, kaiak, kakas, kakis, kapas, kaphs, kapok, karat, karst, karts, kasha, kbars, kebar, keirs, kepis, kerbs, khadi, khaki, khats, kheda, khets, kibei, kibes, kiers, kiosk, kirks, kited, kiter, kites, kithe, kiths, kopek, kophs, korat, krait, oared, oater, oaths, obeah, obias, obits, odist, ohias, oidia, okapi, okehs, okras, opahs, opera, opted, orate, orbed, orbit, oread, oribi, osier, ostia, other, padis, padre, padri, paiks, pairs, paisa, paise, paras, pardi, pards, pared, pares, paris, parka, parks, parse, parts, paseo, pasha, pasta, paste, pated, pater, pates, paths, patio, peaks, pears, peart, peats, pedro, peris, perks, pesto, phase, phots, piers, pieta, pikas, piked, piker, pikes, piste, pitas, piths, podia, poets, poise, poked, poker, pokes, pored, pores, porks, ports, posed, poser, posit, praos, prase, prate, prats, presa, prest, pride, pried, pries, prise, proas, probe, prods, prose, prost, psoae, psoai, rabat, rabid, radii, radio, raias, raids, raise, raked, rakes, rakis, raped, rapes, raphe, rapid, rased, rated, rates, rathe, ratio, ratos, reads, reaps, reata, rebid, rebop, redia, redip, redos, rehab, repos, repot, resid, resod, retia, rheas, riata, ribes, rides, riots, riped, ripes, rishi, rites, roads, roast, robed, robes, roped, ropes, rosed, roset, rotas, rotes, sabed, saber, sabir, sabot, sabra, sabre, sadhe, sahib, saith, saker, sapid, sapor, sarod, sated, sepia, septa, serai, shade, shake, shako, shape, shard, share, shark, sharp, shear, sheik, sherd, shied, shier, shire, shirk, shirt, shoat, shoed, shoer, shore, short, shote, shred, shtik, siker, siped, sired, sitar, sited, skate, skied, skier, skirt, skite, sober, spade, spado, spaed, spahi, spait, spake, spare, spark, spate, speak, spear, speir, spied, spier, spike, spire, spirt, spite, spode, spoke, spore, sport, sprat, sprit, stade, staid, stair, stake, staph, stare, stark, stead, steak, stied, stipe, stirk, stirp, stoae, stoai, stoke, stope, store, stork, strap, strep, stria, strid, strip, strop, taber, tabes, tabid, tabor, tahrs, taker, takes, tapas, taped, taper, tapes, tapir, tapis, tardo, tared, tares, tarok, taros, tarps, tarsi, teaks, tears, teiid, tepas, tepid, terai, their, third, thorp, those, thrip, throb, throe, tiara, tibia, tides, tiers, tikes, tikis, tipis, tired, tires, tiros, toads, toked, toker, tokes, toped, toper, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topis, torah, toras, tores, torii, torse, torsi, torsk, trade, traik, traps, trash, tread, treks, triad, tribe, tried, tries, trike, trios, tripe, trips, troak, trode, trois, troke, trope, tsade, tsadi, tsked6-letter wordsabakas, abased, abaser, abasia, abated, abater, abates, abatis, abator, abhors, abider, abides, aboard, abodes, aborts, abrade, abroad, adapts, adepts, adobes, adopts, adores, adroit, adsorb, ahorse, aiders, aikido, airest, airted, airths, aorist, aortae, aortas, aphids, ardebs, arhats, ariose, ariosi, arista, aristo, arkose, aroids, ashier, ashore, aspire, baited, baiter, bakers, bardes, barest, barhop, barite, barked, bashed, basher, basked, basket, basted, baster, bathed, bather, bathes, bathos, batiks, beards, bertha, berths, bestir, bhakta, bhakti, biased, biders, bidets, bikers, bikies, biotas, bipeds, bipods, birdie, birkie, births, bishop, bister, bistre, bistro, biters, boards, boarts, boated, boater, bodies, boheas, boites, borate, boride, borsht, bosker, bosket, bother, braids, braise, braked, brakes, breads, breaks, breast, breath, brides, broads, broths, daiker, dakoit, dasher, daters, deairs, dearth, deaths, debark, debars, debits, debris, debtor, dehort, dekkos, depart, deport, depots, depths, derats, desorb, despot, dhobis, dhotis, diaper, diapir, dikers, direst, disbar, dither, dobies, dobras, dopers, dopier, dories, doters, dotier, drakes, drapes, driest, droits, earths, editor, ephods, ephori, ephors, esprit, habits, hairdo, haired, harked, harped, hasped, hasted, haters, hatred, hearts, heptad, heriot, hiders, hikers, hispid, histed, hoards, hoarse, hoised, hokier, hopers, hordes, horsed, horste, hosier, hosted, hotbed, idiots, iodate, irades, irides, irised, iritis, isobar, kabaka, kabars, kabiki, kaiaks, kaiser, kakapo, kapoks, karate, karats, kasbah, kasher, kebars, khadis, khakis, khedas, kibeis, kibosh, kishka, kishke, kiters, kithed, kithes, kopeks, korats, kosher, kraits, oaters, obeahs, okapis, operas, ophite, opiate, orated, orates, orbits, oreads, oribis, others, padres, paiked, paired, parade, pardah, pardie, pariah, paries, parish, parkas, parked, parsed, parted, pashed, pasted, paster, pastie, pastor, paters, pathos, patios, patois, pedros, period, perish, petard, petsai, pharos, phased, phobia, phrase, pietas, pikake, pikers, pirate, pished, pithed, pitied, pitier, pities, podite, poised, poiser, pokers, pokier, pokies, ported, posada, posher, posted, poster, potash, pother, potsie, praise, prated, prates, presto, prides, priest, prised, probed, probes, probit, prosed, prosit, protea, protei, rabato, rabats, rabies, radios, radish, raised, rakish, raphae, raphes, raphia, raphis, rapids, rapist, rasped, ratios, reatas, rebait, rebato, rebids, rebops, redias, redips, redipt, redtop, rehabs, repaid, repast, repots, resaid, reship, reshod, reshot, resoak, respot, rhebok, riatas, ribose, rioted, ripest, ripost, risked, roadie, sabred, saithe, sapota, sapote, sarape, sarode, satara, satire, satori, satrap, seraph, serdab, shader, shaird, shaker, shaped, shaper, shared, sherpa, shikar, shored, shriek, shrike, skated, skater, skited, soaked, soaker, soaped, soaper, soared, sobeit, sopite, sorbed, sorbet, sorted, sortie, spader, spared, sparid, spathe, spider, spiked, spiker, spirea, spired, spirit, spited, spoked, spored, spread, sprite, sradha, stadia, staked, stared, stiped, stoked, stoker, stoped, stoper, stored, strake, streak, striae, stride, strike, stripe, strobe, strode, stroke, tabard, tabers, tabors, takahe, takers, tapers, tapirs, taroks, tarsia, tasked, teiids, tephra, terais, teraph, terbia, theirs, thirds, thoria, thorpe, thorps, thread, threap, thrips, throbs, throes, tiaras, tibiae, tibias, tidier, tidies, tirade, tobies, todies, tokers, topers, tophes, torahs, tories, torpid, trades, traiks, trapes, treads, trepid, triads, tribes, trikes, triode, triose, tripes, tripod, tripos, troaks, troika, troked, trokes, tropes7-letter wordsabashed, abaters, abators, abiders, aborted, abrades, abreast, abrosia, adapter, adaptor, adhibit, adipose, adopter, aerobia, aerosat, aikidos, airboat, airdate, airhead, airiest, airpost, airshed, airship, airthed, aphasia, aphides, apteria, arabesk, aridest, aristae, aspired, asteria, astride, atopies, atresia, baiters, baptise, barhops, barites, basidia, bastard, bathers, bearish, bedpost, berthas, bestrid, bhaktas, bhaktis, bhistie, bidarka, birdies, birkies, birthed, bistred, boarish, boasted, boaster, boaters, borated, borates, borides, boskier, bothers, bothies, bothria, braised, breadth, breaths, brisked, brisket, britska, dabster, daikers, dairies, dakoits, darbies, darkest, darkish, dashier, dashiki, dashpot, dearths, debarks, debtors, dehorts, deorbit, departs, deports, deposit, desktop, despair, diabase, diapers, diapirs, diaries, diarist, diaster, diopter, dioptre, diorite, diphase, diptera, dirties, dishier, dispart, disport, disrate, disrobe, dithers, ditsier, dopiest, earshot, editors, esparto, habited, hairdos, hardest, hardies, hardset, hardtop, harpies, harpist, hastier, hatreds, heptads, heriots, hetaira, hipster, histoid, hoisted, hoister, hokiest, hotbeds, iodates, isobare, isobath, kabakas, kabikis, kakapos, karates, kathode, kithara, ophites, opiated, opiates, orbiest, orbited, parades, parados, pardahs, pariahs, parotid, partake, partied, parties, pastier, peakish, peridia, peridot, periods, perkish, petards, phobias, phorate, phrased, piasaba, piaster, piastre, pikakes, pirated, pirates, pithead, pithier, pitiers, podesta, podites, pokiest, porkies, posited, pothead, potherb, pothers, praised, presoak, probate, probits, prostie, proteas, proteid, rabatos, radiate, raphias, raphide, readapt, readopt, rebaits, rebatos, redbait, redtops, reitbok, reposit, rheboks, rikisha, riposte, riptide, roadies, roasted, ropiest, saphead, saprobe, seabird, seaport, shadier, shakier, sharked, sharped, sharpie, shikari, shikker, shirked, shorted, shortia, shortie, sidebar, skirted, soapier, sopited, sorbate, sortied, sparked, sparoid, spathed, spikier, spiraea, spiroid, spirted, sported, staider, steroid, storied, straked, striped, stroked, strophe, tabards, tabored, takahes, tardies, teashop, tephras, terbias, theroid, thorias, thorpes, threads, threaps, tiaraed, tiderip, tidiers, tipsier, tirades, toadies, toadish, topside, torpids, torsade, traiked, traipse, trashed, tribade, triodes, tripods, troaked, troikas8-letter wordsadapters, adaptors, adhibits, adopters, airboats, airdates, airheads, apathies, aphorise, aphorist, apiaries, apiarist, aspirata, aspirate, asteroid, atrophia, baidarka, bakeshop, baptised, baptisia, barathea, barkiest, bidarkas, biparted, birdshot, bishoped, brakiest, breadths, broadest, broadish, daishiki, database, dataries, deorbits, diaspora, diaspore, diatribe, dioptase, diopters, dioptres, diorites, disherit, dispirit, dorkiest, hairiest, hardiest, hardtops, hetairai, hetairas, hoariest, hospitia, kathodes, keratoid, kiboshed, kitharas, oribatid, paradise, parakite, parasite, parities, parodies, parodist, parotids, partakes, pastored, peridots, phorates, piroshki, pitheads, porkiest, potheads, potherbs, potshard, potsherd, presidia, presidio, probated, probates, prohibit, proteids, radiates, raphides, rapidest, readapts, readopts, redbaits, reitboks, rhapsode, riposted, riptides, seaboard, septaria, soapbark, spheroid, spirited, tapadera, tapadero, teaboard, tiderips, topsider, traipsed, tribades, triphase, trophied, trophies9-letter wordsadsorbate, apartheid, aphorised, aridities, aspiratae, aspirated, atrophias, atrophied, atrophies, baidarkas, baratheas, dakoities, diatribes, disparate, oribatids, parakites, praesidia, probities, prohibits, shipboard, tapaderas, tapaderos, teaboards, therapsid, topiaries, tripodies10-letter wordsapartheids, diaphorase, editorship, parasitoid, pasteboard, podiatries, prohibited, rabidities, rapidities, skateboard17-letter wordstriskaidekaphobia

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Why black diamond is called as bort carbando?

Boart means industrial quality diamond (by nature heavlily included, near opaque), carbonado is the variety. Almost any boart can be heated to make black. There are 3 types of black diamonds, 1)Natural Black (opaque but slightly traslucent) 2)Irradiated (white, transparent, cloudy diamond, I1 to I3 clarity), can be transformed to black (opaque, slightly translucent, green traces when viewed with strong light) and finally 3)Boart diamond (60% of the diamond production). Entire diamond appear black (brownish to acerated hues), completely opaque, zero light can enter to it. From price point of view. Natural Black from 500 per carat, Irradiated Black from 150 per carat, boart heated to black from 50 per carat, so watch carefully what you`re buying.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 71 words with the pattern -O--T. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter O and 5th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: boart boast boost boult bowat bowet coact coapt coast comet compt coopt coost coset count court covet docht doest doilt donut doubt foist fouat fouet fount godet gosht hoast hoist horst joint joist joust korat loast lovat moist morat motet moult mount moust noint nonet nooit oobit point poort posit poult poupt poynt roast robot roist roost roset rosit roust royst rozet rozit souct toast torot volet vomit worst yourt zoist