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abaft, abbot, abort, about, adapt, adept, admit, adopt, adult, adust, afoot, afrit, agent, agist, aglet, alant, alert, alist, allot, aloft, ambit, ament, amort, anent, angst, apart, aport, argot, arhat, armet, ascot, asset, atilt, audit, aught, avast, avert, await, beast, beaut, befit, begat, beget, begot, beret, beset, besot, bhoot, bidet, bight, bigot, binit, biont, blast, bleat, blent, blest, bloat, bluet, blunt, blurt, boart, boast, boost, bract, brant, brent, britt, bruit, brunt, built, bundt, buret, burnt, burst, butut, cadet, canst, caput, carat, caret, chant, chapt, chart, cheat, chert, chest, chott, civet, clapt, clast, cleat, cleft, clept, clift, clipt, cloot, clout, coact, coapt, coast, comet, compt, coopt, coset, count, court, covet, craft, crept, crest, croft, cruet, crust, crypt, cubit, culet, curet, curst, daunt, davit, dealt, debit, debut, defat, deist, delft, demit, depot, derat, dicot, didst, dight, digit, divot, dixit, doest, donut, doubt, draft, drest, drift, dript, droit, dropt, ducat, durst, duvet, dwelt, ebbet, eclat, edict, educt, egest, egret, eight, eject, elect, elint, emmet, enact, epact, erect, ergot, eruct, erupt, escot, event, evert, evict, exact, exalt, exert, exist, exult, facet, faint, fault, feast, feint, feist, fight, filet, first, fixit, fleet, flint, flirt, float, flout, fluyt, foist, fount, fritt, front, frost, fruit, fumet, gamut, gault, gaunt, gavot, geest, gemot, genet, ghast, ghaut, ghost, giant, gigot, gleet, glint, gloat, glost, glout, graft, grant, great, greet, grift, griot, gript, grist, groat, grout, grunt, guest, guilt, guyot, habit, hadst, haint, haunt, heart, heist, helot, hight, hoist, horst, hurst, idiot, inapt, inept, inert, ingot, inlet, input, inset, islet, jabot, jaunt, joint, joist, joust, jurat, kaput, karat, karst, kempt, knelt, knout, korat, kraft, krait, kraut, leant, leapt, least, legit, licht, licit, light, limit, lirot, lovat, lunet, lyart, magot, maist, manat, mayst, meant, merit, midst, might, moist, motet, moult, mount, mulct, neist, night, nonet, octet, odist, oncet, onset, orbit, ought, overt, owlet, paint, palet, peart, petit, pewit, phpht, picot, pilot, pinot, pipet, pipit, pivot, plait, plant, pleat, point, posit, poult, prest, print, prost, qanat, quant, quart, qubit, quest, quiet, quilt, quint, quirt, quoit, rabat, ramet, react, rebut, recit, recut, reest, refit, relet, relit, remet, remit, repot, resat, reset, resit, revet, rewet, riant, right, rivet, roast, robot, roost, roset, roust, sabot, saint, sault, sayst, scant, scart, scatt, scent, scoot, scout, shaft, shalt, sheet, shent, shift, shirt, shist, shoat, shoot, short, shott, shout, shunt, sight, skeet, skint, skirt, skort, slant, sleet, slept, slipt, smalt, smart, smelt, smolt, snoot, snort, snout, spait, spelt, spent, spilt, spirt, splat, split, sport, spout, sprat, sprit, spurt, squat, start, stent, stilt, stint, stoat, stopt, stott, stout, strut, stunt, sturt, suint, swart, sweat, sweet, swept, swift, tacet, tacit, taint, tarot, taunt, tempt, tenet, theft, tight, tinct, toast, torot, tract, trait, trapt, treat, trout, trust, tryst, tweet, twist, twixt, unapt, uncut, unfit, ungot, unhat, unlet, unlit, unmet, unset, unwet, unwit, uplit, upset, valet, vault, vaunt, veldt, verst, visit, vomit, waist, wecht, weest, wheat, whipt, whist, whort, wight, worst, wrapt, wrest, wrist, wurst, yacht, yeast, zibet, zizit

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