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A PSX ISO would probably refer to an ISO image made from a PlayStation 1 CD.

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Can you burn a PSX ISO to a DVD R and play it on an exploited PS2 - If so how?

As Long As The PS2 Is Modded. From What I Know....

How do you turn a rar archive into an iso file which can be run on a psx emulator?

Your supposed to get a rar file extractor. Everything you need is INSIDE of it.

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Go to romhustler and download a PS game you want . then use winrar to unrar the files and use imgburn to burn the iso file into a CD-r or CD+ r. Howerer your PS should be chipped. Another good site for download psx isos is emuparadise

Can a ps3 play psx iso?

no it can't not unless there is a hack out or something I'm actually looking into that right now. It'd be pretty cool wouldn't have to use emulators anymore and you'd get 100% compatibility

When was PSX - DVR - created?

PSX - DVR - was created on 2003-12-13.

Do you need a cracked psp to play psx games?

a psx is a PlayStation 1

How can you play Digimon rumble arena on PC?

First, download a PS1 emulator. (You can find links for this in the related links below.) Then look for the game elsewhere for download. Just google Digimon Rumble Arena Psx Iso.

What is the difference between a psx for the psp and ps1?

Nothing Really There The Same. But The Psx Can Be Wireless If You Buy The Screen For It

Where can a PSX emulator be obtained?

A PSX emulator may be obtained from ePSXe. They have high quality products that seamlessly emulate the PSX on both Windows and Linux platforms. You may also get ROMs from this site.

Where can you buy psx?

in Walgreen's

Can you play PSX games on a Sony PlayStation?

psx = ps1 they just look a little different so yes