extra, waste, scrap
Daily is a good word for a 5 letter word for everyday.
loose is a 5 letter word for not taut.
what 5 letter word begins with s- a living thing-second 5 letter word ending in d
extra, waste
extra, waste, scrap
extra, yucca, uvula
larva, flora, alpha, mafia, delta, extra, magma, mania, maria, drama, china, cobra, aroma, arena
When a ouija board repeats a letter, such the letter E, it is usually because the word requires the extra letter such as in the word Reed. If the word does not require the extra letter, it can be interpreted as the spirit having trouble manifesting enough energy to spell the word correctly.
This might be the word "extra." If you have a supply of something, often that means you have extra.
Extra is a five letter word for surplus. E X T R A.