Daily is a good word for a 5 letter word for everyday.
what 5 letter word begins with s- a living thing-second 5 letter word ending in d
that toot
A 5 letter word that starts with an L is Lipid
the 5 letter word for colour slightly is shade
"Loose"? "Slack"?
It could be aunt, taut.
tight, taunt, taut, trout
The homophone for "taught" is "taut."
No. Slack and taut are opposite in meaning.
You! Over there! Pull that rope taut!
I will toe the line more confidently if is more taut.
being stretched tightly eg: we say a taut rope
Hold the sheet taut as you and I fold it. You pull away from me and your hands apart. That should keep the sheet taut.
The word "taut" rhymes with "bought" and means pulled tightly.
The homonym of the word "taught" is "taut." "Taught" is the past tense of the verb "teach," meaning to instruct or educate, while "taut" means pulled or drawn tight.