Envy Is A 4-Letter Word
4 letter word for drum is "Dhol".
Salt is a 4 letter word for seasoning.
Maybe, linen folding?
is the word chore an abstract noun
There are 3 phonemes in the word "chore": /ch/ /o/ /r/.
The antonym for the word chore is rest, respite, play.
carry, chord, chore, cargo, civet, covet, covey, cover
The word "chore" has only one syllable.
The word "chore" is a noun because it refers to a routine task or job, typically one that is unpleasant or repetitive. Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas, and "chore" fits this definition as it represents an activity.
I don't think of it as a chore. After this chore, I'm taking a break.
The word "chore" is a noun. It refers to a routine task or job that is often seen as unpleasant or tedious.
Envy Is A 4-Letter Word