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Q: What is a 4 letter word for jealousy?
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Jealous, jealousy and jeans begin with the letter j. The letter a is the third letter.

What does each letter in the word jealousy stand for?

The term "JEALOUSY" does not have a universal acronym where each letter represents a specific word or concept. It is simply a word that describes the feeling of being envious or insecure in a relationship or about someone else's possessions or achievements.

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Invidia is the latin word meaning jealousy

What is the base word of jealousy?

The base word of jealousy is "jealous."

A sentence with the word jealousy in it?

You have a bad character trait of jealousy.

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4 letter word for drum is "Dhol".

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Salt is a 4 letter word for seasoning.

What sentence can you write with the word jealousy?

Here are some sentences.Don't let jealousy ruin your friendship.His jealousy made her leave him.

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