Daily Jumble 2/19/18:
The app that could translate "hello" into any language was...
Answer: "HI"-TECH
Clue words: whack, thyme, eighty, siding
Daily Jumble 9/29/13:What the pen salesman demonstrated to his customers.answer: THE FINER POINTS(hoist, fluid, uptown, injure)
clue: With the weekend over, the Jumble creators started working on...Answer: "PUNDAY" MORNING (bunny, panda, dugout, admire)
Try the link below.
Daily Jumble 7/17/17:When they sang songs at the summit, they sang them...Clue words: apart, front, import, huddleAnswer: FROM THE TOP
What is the answer to the October 6 2013 Jumble puzzle in the Vancouver Province newspaper
Daily Jumble 2/26/17:The new ophthalmologist's office was...Answer: A "SITE" FOR SORE EYESClue words: frosty, prayer, sleepy, outfox, sprain, freelyWhat they had for Thanksgiving dinner.Answer: THE FAMILYClue words: gaudy, bumpy, purify, pallid
Daily Jumble 9/29/13:What the pen salesman demonstrated to his customers.answer: THE FINER POINTS(hoist, fluid, uptown, injure)
Difficult to save face when you do this. Answer: LOSE YOUR HEAD (foamy, elder, hooked, unsold)
The answers to the San Diego Union Tribune crossword puzzle is provided in the following issue of the paper. This will allow people to answer the questions themselves without seeing the answers until it is finished.
Clue: When he wore the outdated corduroys, he was… Answer: "RIBBED" (robin, dirty, boiled, fabric)
Those letters spell pigpen.
Try the link below.
Daily Jumble 2/24/15:The arm wrestling match was about to...Answer: GET OUT OF HAND (forgo, doubt, eighty, catnip)
Daily Jumble 3/1/18:The man who passed out when told he'd need bypass surgery was...Answer: FAINT OF HEARTClue words: token, facet, futile, harrass
clue: With the weekend over, the Jumble creators started working on...Answer: "PUNDAY" MORNING (bunny, panda, dugout, admire)