Daily Jumble 2/28/18:When it came to music in the mid-1960s, the Beatles were at the...Answer: FOUR-FRONTClue words: knock, strum, origin, buffet
Daily Jumble 2/11/13 After the rope broke, he… answer: SNAPPED (pants, purge, banish, depict)
Daily Jumble 6/5/15:Clue: She'd hiked to the top of this mountain before. She really liked the...Answer: DEJA "VIEW" (doily, award, jovial, goatee)
The massage therapist bought a new headset for her phone so she could do this. Answer: STAY IN TOUCH, yahoo, stunt, uproot, cavity
Donald Duck got some strange looks from people when he started acting… Answer: DAFFY, forum, rural, drowsy, refuse
Daily Jumble 2/28/18:When it came to music in the mid-1960s, the Beatles were at the...Answer: FOUR-FRONTClue words: knock, strum, origin, buffet
Daily Jumble 2/11/13 After the rope broke, he… answer: SNAPPED (pants, purge, banish, depict)
What the math teacher took pleasure in making. Answer: EVERY DAY COUNT, video, tummy, chatty, govern
Daily Jumble 6/5/15:Clue: She'd hiked to the top of this mountain before. She really liked the...Answer: DEJA "VIEW" (doily, award, jovial, goatee)
The massage therapist bought a new headset for her phone so she could do this. Answer: STAY IN TOUCH, yahoo, stunt, uproot, cavity
Donald Duck got some strange looks from people when he started acting… Answer: DAFFY, forum, rural, drowsy, refuse
Daily Jumble 2/24/15:The arm wrestling match was about to...Answer: GET OUT OF HAND (forgo, doubt, eighty, catnip)
clue: With the weekend over, the Jumble creators started working on...Answer: "PUNDAY" MORNING (bunny, panda, dugout, admire)
What they called the successful handicapper.answer: THE WIZARD OF ODDS (fiord, biped, zodiac, shadow)
clue: When he put on his grandfather's hat, he was...answer: "FEDORABLE" (handy, floss, broken, archer)
When the podiatrist went to work, it was… Answer: ALWAYS ON "FOOT" (fable, leaky, drowsy, marmot)
The concert in Death Valley had… Answer: LOW ATTENDANCE, cycle, wound, beaten, banter