the only thing you can use a rare bone for is to sell it for 5000$.
yo can catch it where you find bagon and stuff but use a pokeradar its rlly rare
use the walk through walls cheat on the AR. SPOILER: the restricted area is an area that grows rare berry plants!
You can use the GTS in Pokemon Platinum after you get the first gym badge from the Oreburgh City gym.
Migerat it or trade it. You can't use the cheat card on Pokemon platinum.
The Rare Bone item has no practical use in Pokemon Platinum or any version of Pokemon. The Rare Bone's only purpose is to be sold to in-game shops for money similar to how the Nugget item is used.
Mt.cornet use a poke radar (it is rare)
You ethier have to find them or you have to get an action replay and use a code.
use your action replay
yes. all you need to do is use a few rare candies.
you can hunt the Pokemon world for them, or if you're desperate, you can use an action replay.
use the poke radar on route 218 (rare)
Keep battling. Use Lucky Egg or Rare Candies to speed things up.
yo can catch it where you find bagon and stuff but use a pokeradar its rlly rare
You get by doing the maid challenge in the Pokemon masion when they toss out blissey use thief on it and you will get a rare candy
Yes you can use Pickup in Platinum. The only Pokemon that may have this ability are: Meowth, Phanpy, Aipom, Munchlax, Teddiursa, Zigzagoon, Linoon, Pachirisu and Ambipom. You can pick up as much Rare Candies as you want. Pokemon that are under lv21 have no chance of finding a Rare Candy. Higher lvl Pokemon have more chances of finding Rare Candies.
After getting the Pokemon radar, use it in route 211 (west). It's a fairly rare spawn, so keep trying.