Staphylococcus aureus is negative for motility, and positive for the indole production. The SIM test tests for sulfur reduction, indole production and motility. Positive for indole production means tryptophan is broken down into indole and pyruvate and will give a red color. Motility, you will see the bacteria move outside of the stab. Positive for sulfur reduction will give a black color in the medium.
What is the abbreviation of sim?
lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
A dead sim is automatically divorced after death.
Your sim needs to be best friends with the other sim before they can be in a romantic relationship. Once you sim's relationship is high enough with the other sim, your sim will have the option to propose.
Yes Vampire Sims can become pregnant in the sims 3. In fact vampirism is genetic in sims 3. eg: Sim+Vampire= Sim/Sim/Vampire/Vampire Sim+Sim=Sim Vampire+Vampire=Vampire
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 1 in the NYSE is: AAZ^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 10 in the AMEX is: WWZ^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 6 in the AMEX is: MMZ^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 7 in the AMEX is: OOZ^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 8 in the AMEX is: QQZ^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 9 in the AMEX is: SS^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 11 in the NYSE is: ZYZ^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 3 in the NYSE is: DDZ^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 4 in the NYSE is: FFZ^K.
The symbol for SiM Internal Test 5 in the NYSE is: IIZ^K.
You need to flirt with them or use anything under romantic. Then if you get positive results, there you have it.