lunar days sim date chrono days sim date anime days sim date 1.0/2.0/2.5
A dead sim is automatically divorced after death.
Your sim needs to be best friends with the other sim before they can be in a romantic relationship. Once you sim's relationship is high enough with the other sim, your sim will have the option to propose.
Yes Vampire Sims can become pregnant in the sims 3. In fact vampirism is genetic in sims 3. eg: Sim+Vampire= Sim/Sim/Vampire/Vampire Sim+Sim=Sim Vampire+Vampire=Vampire
Spore, Sim City, Sims City 2000 and Sim City 3000, Sim City 4, The sims mid evil.
There acutally is no abbreviation for the word sim. A "sim" is a charater, and is equal to the word human. (sim==human). In term, there is no abbreviation for the word sim.
sim is the abreviation, but its short for simulation/simulated
subcriber identity module
SIM - Subscriber Identity ModuleSource:
Subsciber Identity Module
There was a Christian mission group to the African country of Sudan called the Sudan Interior Mission.
South Carolina, Star Craft, Santa Cruz, Sim City, and a whole lot of other things.
Khullja Sim Sim was created in 2001-07.
Sim + Tombstone + Mourn Interaction = Crying Sim or you could break a Sim's heart by terminating a romantic relationship, killing a Sim close to the Sim close to the crier.
The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.
That red filter means that Sim is very angry with your Sim and may even get into a physical fight and/or try to bully your Sim! Did you cheat on that Sim with another Sim by flirting, kissing, or woohooing? That is most likely what caused it if it happened suddenly! Or maybe that Sim was in love with the Sim that your Sim married and is angry with you for taking his or her love muffin. If it gradually appeared there, then your Sim was picking on and bullying that Sim until he or she got angry with your Sim.