In Pokemon Red, the fifth badge is possessed by the Poison-Type Koga. The badge is named Soul Badge. It lets you use Surf outside of Battle.
you should use either ground or psychic Pokemon
You need to defeat Koga in Fuchsia City to get the 5th badge, the Soul Badge.
The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it
The 8 badges for Pokemon Red are: Boulder Badge, (Brock) Cascade Badge, (Misty) Thunder Badge, (Lt. Surge) Rainbow Badge, (Erika) Marsh Badge, (Sabrina) Soul Badge, (Koga) Volcano Badge, (Blaine) and Earth Badge. (Giovanni)
In Pokekon Sapphire, you get the 5th badge after defeating your opponent in a Gym Battle at Petalburgh.
Beat the fuchsia city gym leader.
you should use either ground or psychic Pokemon
the fifth badge is from Sabrina in Saffron City.
Petalburg City.
Fuschia city.
hearthome city
Hearthome City.
Beat the gym leader
The fifth gym leader in Pokemon platinum is crasher wake but you get the fourth badge.
You need to defeat Koga in Fuchsia City to get the 5th badge, the Soul Badge.
The Cascade Badge