In Pokekon Sapphire, you get the 5th badge after defeating your opponent in a Gym Battle at Petalburgh.
The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it
the third badge in sapphire is at mauville city(north of slateport city)
You need to defeat Koga in Fuchsia City to get the 5th badge, the Soul Badge.
The fifth gym is in petalburg city
If you mean Balance Badge in Petalburg City. You need to go in Fortree City. Simple huh?
Petalburg City.
The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it
to petalburg city
the third badge in sapphire is at mauville city(north of slateport city)
It is the balance badge where you fight Norman(your father) in Petalburg City .
Fuschia city.
hearthome city
Hearthome City.
You get the third badge in sapphire when you get to Mauville. You have to battle Gym Leader Wattson in the Mauville City Gym.
Go to sootopolis city for your next badge.
You need to defeat Koga in Fuchsia City to get the 5th badge, the Soul Badge.
The fifth gym is in petalburg city