Moltres, the legendary Fire/Flying type of Kanto, has the Pokedex number 146.
Pokemon 146 in the national pokedex is moltress and Pokemon 146 in the sinnoh pokedex is uxie. have fun!
memmemem whatever that means,#146 is Uxie
146 = Moltres 131 = Lapras
-SPOILER-Sinnoh Pokemon number 146 : Uxie the Legendary PokemonType: PhychicEXP at 100: 1,250,000Ability: Levitate
Pokemon 146 in the national pokedex is moltress and Pokemon 146 in the sinnoh pokedex is uxie. have fun!
memmemem whatever that means,#146 is Uxie
146 = Moltres 131 = Lapras
-SPOILER-Sinnoh Pokemon number 146 : Uxie the Legendary PokemonType: PhychicEXP at 100: 1,250,000Ability: Levitate
146 is Uxie on sinnoh pokedex On National pokedex it is Moltres
Pokemon #146 is Uxie, and can be found in the Acuity Cavern in the middle of Lake Acuity. In Platinum, I believe you can have another chance to catch it if you don't catch it the first time.