Sinnoh Pokemon number 146 : Uxie the Legendary Pokemon
Type: Phychic
EXP at 100: 1,250,000
Ability: Levitate
Pokemon 146 in the national pokedex is moltress and Pokemon 146 in the sinnoh pokedex is uxie. have fun!
146 is Uxie on sinnoh pokedex On National pokedex it is Moltres
Pokemon #80 in Sinnoh pokedex is Barboach.
in sinnoh 210
Pokemon 146 in the national pokedex is moltress and Pokemon 146 in the sinnoh pokedex is uxie. have fun!
146 is Uxie on sinnoh pokedex On National pokedex it is Moltres
== ==In the SINNOH Pokedex it is UXIE.In the NATIONAL Pokedex it is MOLTRES.== ==
Pokemon #80 in Sinnoh pokedex is Barboach.
You get the sinnoh one basically after starting the game, the you get the national pokedex when you´ve completed the sinnoh pokedex (by seeing all the Pokemon in sinnoh)
www.serebii.net they have a pokedex
The sinnoh pokedex can hold up to 150 pokemon.
there are 210 Pokemon in the sinnoh dex
in sinnoh 210
vfrt in the pokedex for sinnoh #111 in the pokedex is a garchomp