There isn't a 001 Moshling.
There is no moshling 001.
Unfortunately, you need to use two GameBoy Colors with the GBC link cable. The GameBoy Advance connects at a different frequency than Gameboy Color games can receive.
It is unclear whether or not there actually is a moshling 001 as there is no spot for an 001 moshling in the Moshling Garden. However, Fuzzy the Furi is seen in the Moshi Magazine. Some think that Fuzzy is possibly part of a new set of Moshlings to come out in the future. Others think that Fuzzy was the very first moshling and is no longer a part of the Moshi Monsters game.
Moshling 001 may be named Fuzzy, however, Fuzzy is not listed in the Moshling Zoo. 001 Fuzzy the Furi [Moshi] Any 3 Hot Silly Peppers Fuzzy is found in the Moshi Magazine. It is thought that Fuzzy is possibly part of a new set of Moshlings to come out in the future. Fuzzy may not be available or may only be available to those who have a Furi Monster.
get a bubasour
#001 bulbasaur dude. no it is bulbasaur not bulbasaur hahlol
In the Sinnoh Dex, it's Turtwig. In the Nat Dex, it's Bulbasaur.
Bulbasuar go usc gamecocks
No, Pokemon Selector only allows Japanese Generation V pokemon from #001(Bulbasaur)-#646(Kyurem). Keldeo is #647.
The first ever Pokemon can refer to Bulbasaur, #001 in the Pokedex, or Mew, who has the DNA of all Pokemon, or Arceus, who is said to have created all Pokemon.
Pokemon are found in the tall grass, in caves, or in water. Additionally Pokemon may be found by fishing or through special means such as the game corner
001 = one
0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.0.000 001 is one millionths.