Yeah I found the Quest ids of KLUNK
2219: Only the strong survive today
2221: Crush The Weak
2247 - Speak no Legion Evil
The best aqw weapons/weapon is/are from nuglaths juggernaut items quest including crystal phoenix blade of nulgath, ungodly reavers of nulgath.overfiend blade of nulgath. Juggernaut items of nulgath is a quest that comes from nulgath in the area terccesuinotlim. Also dragonblade of nulgath(from demanding items of nulgath) is nice to. It comes from demanding items of nulgath. Ths quest comes from nulgath as well and can also be accesed from battle phoenix blades, sword of nulgath and betrayal blades of nulgath above the 7th betrayal blade
Unidentified 13 can be obtained from nulgath(quest) from nulgath larvae or supplies to spin the whell of chance in supplies to spin the whell of chance the chances for you to get unidentified 13 is below 1% and in nulgath larvae quest is a 1% chance
to get in Tercessuinotlim you need 50 bone dust and do a quest and kill 100 dark makai
You must complete the quest 'Juggernaut Items of Nulgath'. The process behind this is very complicated so it is best to examine the AQW wiki.
Tainted Gem x50 Dark Crystal Shard x 50 Gem of Nulgath x20 Totem of Nulgath x3 Diamond of Nulgath x13 Voucher of Nulgath (Non-Mem) Unidentified 13 (Do not need to turn it in) Level 30 Completion of Lair Quests Rank 10 Evil (Not Sure)
either from doing the nulgath quest from nulgath larvae or from doing supplies to spin the wheel quest from drudgen or swindle.
By completing Nulgath's quests Totem of Nulgath which requires 100 Essence of Nulgath dropped by Dark Makai -or- you may receive it upon turning in Nulgath Larvae's quest Nulgath which requires Mana Energy for Nulgath dropped by the Mana Golem
we find it in nulgath larvae quest
you need to get to nulgath and do the quest empowering items and the reward is death scythe of nulgath
You first need to find Nulgath larvae and you have to accept the quest and you have to defeat the Mana Golem and complete the quest then you get the hex blade of Nulgath
The best aqw weapons/weapon is/are from nuglaths juggernaut items quest including crystal phoenix blade of nulgath, ungodly reavers of nulgath.overfiend blade of nulgath. Juggernaut items of nulgath is a quest that comes from nulgath in the area terccesuinotlim. Also dragonblade of nulgath(from demanding items of nulgath) is nice to. It comes from demanding items of nulgath. Ths quest comes from nulgath as well and can also be accesed from battle phoenix blades, sword of nulgath and betrayal blades of nulgath above the 7th betrayal blade
complete juggernaut quest (from nulgath) and click on ungodly reavers of nulgath in rewards and then turn in
first you go to Tercessuinotlim , then you find nulgath and you find the quest jauggernaut iems of nulgath The quest Requires: -20 Gem of Nulgath -50 Dark Crystal Shards -50 Tained Gems -13 Diamons of Nulgath -3 Totems of Nulgath -1 Voucher (Non-Mem) -1 Undentified 13
Yes You Can!Even if your a Member, you can still get the (Non-Mem) Voucher of Nulgath, from the 'Nulgath' Quest you find on a Nulgath Larvae. Enjoy;)
you first have to find nulgath larvae and you accept the quest then you join elemental and you defeat mana golem several times. after completing the quest you tum in and you get hex blade of nulgath.
if you are talking about nulgath's betrayal blades, you can get them from different quests from nulgath, who is in tercessuinotlim.
Unidentified 13 can be obtained from nulgath(quest) from nulgath larvae or supplies to spin the whell of chance in supplies to spin the whell of chance the chances for you to get unidentified 13 is below 1% and in nulgath larvae quest is a 1% chance