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it is a mini game

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Q: What is Lego Batman villain hunt?
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How do you get all 15 villains in villain hunt for Lego Batman?

There is no villain hunt in Lego batman.

Where is Polilla on villain hunt Lego batman DS?

in the doungment

How do you get man bat in Lego batman?

in villain hunt at the ice cream factory

Where is scare face in Lego batman villain hunt?

hiding in you closet, waiting for you to sleep

How do you get killer moth in Lego batman for ds?

You have to find him in villain hunt.You can unlock villain hunt by completing every villain level.You don`t have to get every mini kit.

In Lego batman the video game ds version where are the villans in villain hunt?

I think that you can find out on Lego Batman the videogame but as far as the hunt in might be some where that the villans missions are at? Does that answer you question on that? If that does then maybe you can think of new chapters on Lego Batman the videogame even though it's 7 anniversaries old.

Where is ra's al ghul in Lego batman ds?

I dont think he is in lego batman for ps3 or ds

Where is hush in Lego batman Ds villain hunt?

Where Harley Quinn stands in between the two batarangs on the clown door

How do you get firefly on Lego Batman?

you have to unlock VILLAIN HUNT in the mini games, and you can get man bat and the joker tropical and rai a ghoul

How do you complete Lego Batman villain hunt?

You go to arkarham Asylum and go through the doors marked like the ones in the Batcave

Where is Dr Hugo strange In Lego Batman villain Hunt?

Not sure about the other console versions but in the DS version of lego batman's villain hunt In the level it has him you cross the gap with the huge dollar sign, possibly with Alfred hovering umbrella and use azrael's super strength to break the wall down the in the glass corridor room to the left you will see him.

How do you get catwomen on Lego batman?

beat the villain mission with her and the penguin