

Best Answer


1 xyz dragon cannon

1 twin headed thunder dragon

1 xy dragon cannon

1 blue eyes ultimate dragon


1 ancient lamp

1 familiar knight

1 la jinn the mystical genie of the lamp

3 blue eyes white dragon

1 kaibaman

1 manju of the thousand hands

1 z-metal tank

2 y-dragon head

2 x-head cannon

1 blue eyes shining dragon

1 usable obelisk the tormentor

1 lord of dragons

1 kaiser glider

1 versago the destroyer

1 des feral imp

1 spear dragon

3 thunder dragons

1 battle ox

1 vorse raider

1 blade knight

1 kaiser sea horse

ritual monsters

1 paladin of white dragon

magic cards

1 white dragon ritual

2 polymerization

1 silent doom

1 mystical space typhoon

1 a wingbeat og giant dragon

1 shrink

1 monster reborn

1 monster reincarnation

1 soul exchange

1 enemy controller

1 cost down

1 dark core

1 the Flute of summoning dragon

1 soul release

1 ancient rules

trap cards

1 return from the different dimension

1 interdimensional matter transporter

1 cloning

1 final attack orders

1 negate attack

1 crush card

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Q: What is Kaiba's deck recipe in Yu-Gi-Oh GX Tag Force?
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Can you use Deck Recipe in yugioh Gx Tag Force 2?

yes you can,you must patner with one duelist,then finish the story mode

Which deck does the blue eyes ultimate dragon come in?

in kaibas deck

Where can you buy kaibas starter deck?

eBay or amazon

Is battle ox in yu-gi-ohs deck?

no it is in kaibas.

Good deck recepie Yugioh tag force 2?

I've found that in the Yu-Gi-Oh! video games you have to constantly change your deck. You can't make one recipe and hope to win the game. You have to change it based on your opponents deck.

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Unfortunately you cannot face one of your Turbo Deck recipes in a Recipe Duel.

How do you make your deck recipe in Yugioh Gx Spirit Caller?

Make the deck you want as a recipe. Then go into the deck menu at the top left corner of the screen. Then you press "Save recipe". Then just press one of the spaces. You can do this over ones you've already got but this will overwrite them.

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YOUR FACE and cyber cards

How do you unlock spice up your deck in yugioh tag force 3?

Beat the Obolisk Blue Tournament.

How do you get the deck name to change in yugioh tag force 2.I need help to get my deck name to change from Starter Deck into My Elemental Heroes.Can someone please help me out I need it bad please?

# # # to chance the deck name on a PSP you first go to the deck edit menu then you press the triangle ( the top button over the o and x button) and the select deck & recipe menu then press change deck name and there u go...

How do you get deck recipes on yu-gi-oh GX tagforce 2?

You get deck recipes for Yugioh GX Tag Force 2 by beating the game with your partner.

What is a good Yugioh warrior machine combo deck recipe?

the three gadget and magnet or you could get the yusai fudos cards. like junk syncron and them.