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what instrument never tells the truth

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

what instrument never tell the truth

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Q: What instrument never tell the truth?
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It always pays to tell the truth?

It never pays to tell the truth!! Take this from someone who always tells the truth!! When you lie you might actually get away with it, you never get away with telling the truth, you just get in more trouble.

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The Australian lyre bird never tells the truth.

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You need to tell the police the truth.The truth was never known.Are you telling me the truth?The truth is that she is planning a surprise party for you.

What never speak but always tell the truth?

A mirror.

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To tell you the truth, it's hard to tell because it was never mentioned in the books.

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Will you tell me the whole truth?

What do you do when You love a man?

Tell him, tell the truth dont get your friend to tell him you tell him tell the truth

How can you tell if your best friend is really your best friend?

If he is alway teling you the truth and he never tell lies to you and he always want to solve your problemS ~

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Its never too soon to tell the truth to your children.

I like this girl but i will never see her again and she doesnt like me?

Just tell her the truth, she deserves to know.