yes we ll the truth
i solemnly swear to tell the truth and only the truth let god help us
what instrument never tells the truth
it is difficult to tell the truth sometimes cause someone is telling the truth you can get in trouble if you are making up new story
- To tell you the truth I played it really long and it didn't break. So I would say guess not
tell the truth and remind your boss that you actually told the truth.
When being sworn in at court, you say "I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
you say the truth of what happen if your sorry say it but tell her your truth felings and buy her flowers or chocolates
Tell him the truth.
You must ask him truth or dare. if he says dare say "Tell me who you love, that's not in your family." and if he says truth then just say the same thing but take out the "tell me".
tell them the truth.
Tell the judge the truth.
Tell them the truth
Well tell her the truth
Ask them this. "If a client asked you to tell the truth about the product, would you tell them the truth about the product, or what your boss told you to say?"
How much you love that you are now force to tell the truth nothing but the truth is what I live for doesn't make sense!!!
If you mean, does being drunk make people tell the truth, no. Sometimes people say things they wouldn't say if they were sober, because alcohol destroys your judgement. However, a liar will still lie, and a person who is truthful will probably still tell the truth.
If you want to tell the truth, say, "No, I'm not pregnant."