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well,if u do kill it then,if u wanna nother one,you better do this cheat,if you go to the resort area(this is a cheat) then somehow there is always hippowndons and finneons,but what you do you have to have somin called drace ,then used it,walk around the grass in th resort area then its not area uknown anymore for uxie,azelf,mespirit,dialga,palkia you may find in the resot area(means catch how much you want)only with the drace then use it you can find thoses legendaries,BUT CATCH ONLY WITH A MASTER BALL,then you should catch what you like but if yu want to realase DIALGA or PALKIA you may better of send then to the safety pillar (for releasing)ONLY IN D/P (DIAMOND AND PEARL) then realease then 2 times it will send you to a quaking earth castle,then you will see a rare oppent then catch it(very hard to catch,)then the castle starts to make a big earthquake then you run out the castle and youll be in sinnoh with azelf and the rare oppent the are oppents are:mew and warioar!

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Q: What if you kill azelf?
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In platinum it would be better not to kill mesprit uxie and azelf, it would be better to catch them.

What happens if you kill azelf?

I'm not exactly sure.......I accidently killed it in my Pearl version. It may either come back, or be gone forever. Also, if you were to kill or harm Azelf in real life, Azelf's spirit would take away your willpower, making you completely immobile for all eternity (or until you died).

How come azelf is not in lake valor any more?

you either killed him or didnt catch/kill palkia or dialga

What happens if azelf runs away?

Then it's gone, sadly forever This happened to me because I didnt wanna kill it

Where can you find azelf in Pokemon Diamond?

you can find AZELF in lake Valour surf and go forward then u come to a dark cave go in and make sure you have MASTER BALLS or you save because it you run from it or kill it you cant find it anymore!!!

Can you catch azelf or uxie when you kill them on Pokemon platinum?

yes, but it takes a while, and use the poketech app that allows you to track Pokemon

Is Azelf legendary in Pokemon?

Azelf is a legendary Pokemon.

Where can you catch azelf in Pokemon white 2?

azelf is at route 23

What happens in Pokemon Diamond if you knock out Azelf?

If you knock out Azelf in Pokemon Diamond, Azelf will be gone forever (unless you have saved before battling Azelf and shut off the game and turn it back on to try again).

How do you cach Azelf?

You need a reapet ball or a heal ball to cach Azelf.