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It means you don't have enough pips and (or) you don't have enough mana.

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Q: What if all your cards are grey when you are dueling on Wizard101?
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Related questions

Do you have to pay real money for a card on dueling network?

You do not, all of the cards are free, through you can buy the real versions of cards off of a duelingnetwork ad.

How do you buy ingredients from the bazaar in wizard101?

You click on all cards and then reagents then thise or the ingredients

Have all cards for Yu-Gi-Oh wc 2008?

If u want all cards then use an action replay or just keep dueling people or just keep winning tournaments

How many Yu-Gi-Oh dueling cards are their in the world?

I Don't know the exact number but a lot of newly released games have about 2800 cards on them and they don't even have all the cards in the game. There are definitly 2800+ cards in the game.

How can you battle the computer in yu-gi-oh?

You can duel on Dueling Network.Dueling network is a website where all the latest cards are there for you to make your deck. Then you can put your decks to the test and duel against people around the world.

What are the 2011 wizard101 cheats?

The Wizard101 team threw all of the cheats out; no more, sorry.

WhaT IS xd in wizard101?

first of all, XD isn't just in wizard101 its in real life 2 and it is a laughing face sideways =)

Song about dueling santa elves?

Wish I could find it! All I recall from the lyrics is (as best as I can recall): "Elf 1: My Monopoly is a real big hit. Elf 2: For a wise old elf you're full of... talk. Both: We're the dueling elves (the dueling elves!)

Is there a Yu-Gi-Oh dueling website where you can duel for free?

There is a website where you can duel for free. It is But, there is a problem. The website is down. It was down from June 2008-January2009. It came back, but is down again as of March 2009. I don't know how long it will be down. But, if it comes back online, it will be worth the wait. If you sign in, it says at the top that you need firefox or it will not work. NOT TRUE. It works just fine. Also, to build you deck, It gives you a list of every card made, even the god cards, except for the cards in the new series, Yu-gi-oh 5Ds. You just choose cards from the list given to you. From the Alien series to the Venom and Volcanic series, it has it all! I can't wait for it to come back on.

Is there a tornado in wizard101?

no but there is a wizard101 sandstorm card that attacks all enemies, also there is a whirlwind planting card. i don't have neither but if you want to find me on wizard101, i am Julia water sword initiate pyromancersee ya! sincerely the level 11 pyromancer we all love, Julia!

Does wizard101 multi hack work or not?

It does'nt its all fake

What is a wizard101 pet code for 2010?

So far, there isn't one and I doubt there will be. Kingisle disabled all more than one use codes. But you could check out for some locations on where the cards are sold. Each card will let you pick a certain amount of crowns and a short-time membership, but you get a free pet with whichever one you pick!