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What do you mean 'what if'? I sentence could end with am. For instance: "You're not a kind person, but I am."

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Q: What if a sentence ends with am?
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What sentence ends with who?

your question ends with who. and so did my first sentence

Is a sentence a sentence if it ends with a question mark?

Yes, a sentence that ends with a question mark is still considered a sentence if it is asking a question. It is called an interrogative sentence.

What does an declarative sentence ends with?

It ends with a Period??

What does interrogative ends with?

An interrogative sentence usually ends with a question mark (?) to indicate that the sentence is asking a question.

What kind of sentence ends in a period?

A declarative sentence, which makes a statement, ends in a period.

What is a sentence called when it ends with a period?

A sentence that ends with a period is called a declarative sentence. It is a type of sentence that makes a statement or expresses an idea.

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4 periods are used when an omission ends a sentence.

What does a declarative sentence end with?

A declarative sentence usually ends with a period (.), indicating a statement or assertion of fact.

What is an declarative sentence?

a declarative sentence tells something and ends with a period

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This sentence ends with the letter z.

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An exclamatory sentence usually ends with an exclamation point (!) to convey strong emotion or excitement.

Do you put another period at the end of a sentence that ends in the word Inc?

An additional period is not necessary at the end of a sentence that ends in the word "inc."