What hurts rock/ground types the most is water type. NEVER EVER use an Electric type against rock type.
Rock Slide: TM no.48 Effect: Deals non-contacting damage to the foe Pokemon. Has 30% chance to flinch the opposing Pokemon In Battle: Hurts both Pokemon in Double Battles Power: 75 Base Power (BP) Accuracy: 95% Type: Rock
dark type
The types that are super-effective against ground Pokemon are Water and Grass.
usually grass or electric
Gyarados is a water type. Water type Pokemon are weak when battling a grass type Pokemon.
Rock Slide: TM no.48 Effect: Deals non-contacting damage to the foe Pokemon. Has 30% chance to flinch the opposing Pokemon In Battle: Hurts both Pokemon in Double Battles Power: 75 Base Power (BP) Accuracy: 95% Type: Rock
Fire, Flying and Rock are all super-effective against bug.
what is the best hurts for rock
keep kicking it till your foot hurts and if it still doesnt move then use awesomon and make him use destructo blast and u will get a piece of white rock i think
originaly the rock band Nazareth sang it in the 70s
dark type
The types that are super-effective against ground Pokemon are Water and Grass.
usually grass or electric
Gyarados is a water type. Water type Pokemon are weak when battling a grass type Pokemon.
It's an attack that hurts your opponent's Pokemon only if they're asleep.
Fraggle Rock - 1983 Playing Till It Hurts 3-17 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
ice or rock type Pokemon