when swampert is at level one-hundred he can have a range of three-hundred-nine and four-hundred-twelve hit points.
Second Evolvence is Mashstomp. Third Evolvence is Swampert. Mudkip to Marshtomp to Swampert. My Swampert is Level 63, 235 hp
It depends on what its Nature, IVs, and EVs are. A level 100 Dialga can have a minimum of 310 HP and maximum of 404 HP.
Mudkip's final evolution is Swampert. Mudkip evolves to Marshtomp at level 16, who evolves into Swampert at level 36.
Swampert does not learn Hydro Pump.
Second Evolvence is Mashstomp. Third Evolvence is Swampert. Mudkip to Marshtomp to Swampert. My Swampert is Level 63, 235 hp
You can not your Pokemon all need to be lvl100.
It depends on what its Nature, IVs, and EVs are. A level 100 Dialga can have a minimum of 310 HP and maximum of 404 HP.
Mudkip's final evolution is Swampert. Mudkip evolves to Marshtomp at level 16, who evolves into Swampert at level 36.
Shedinja will have only 1 HP at any level.
Swampert learns Earthquake at level 49 in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Serperior's base HP stat is 75, which means at level 100 it can have at least 260 HP or at most 354.
at level 36 into swampert
Plusle has a base HP of 60. At Level 50, it can have between 120-167 HP & at Level 100, it can have between 230-324 HP.
Swampert does not learn Hydro Pump.
At level 16 into Marshtomp then 36 to Swampert