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Fighting Games

Pro Circuit Equipment

Console: PlayStation3

Switch: Netgear gs108

Monitor: BenQ

  • Model GL2450HM
  • Resolution: 1920×1080
  • Reference Level: Intermediate
  • HDMI for PS3

Equipment Rules

1. Players may not use a Button Macro controller/fight stick, a Keyboard, a Mouse, or a Keyboard and Mouse adapter. Button Macro controllers/fight sticks allow Players to press a button that results in their Character performing a set of actions that would normally require the Player to press multiple buttons.

2. The Sony Playstation 3 Dualshock 3 controller is the only wireless controller/fight stick that may be used.

3. Controllers/fight sticks with Turbo capabilities will be allowed if they have a working Turbo Light, but the Turbo feature may not be used during a Game. Controllers/fight sticks with Turbo capabilities allow Players to press a button that results in their Character performing a set of actions that would normally require the Player to press the same button multiple times.

4. Players may not use a controller/fight stick that has been modified in such a way that it alters their Character's abilities and/or in-game mechanics. Players are allowed to make cosmetic changes to their controller/fight stick. However, MLG reserves the right to deny the use of any controller/fight stick suspected of providing an unfair competitive advantage.

5. Players may not attach a headset to a PlayStation 3 or Monitor.

6. Players who break an Equipment Rule #1-5 will be given a Warning. Each subsequent Warning that a Player receives will result in a Forfeit of the Game.

StarCraft 2

Pro Circuit Equipment

iBuyPower Phantom 410 Chimera

Case: Chimera Inferno 4 v2

Case dimensions (DxWxH): 20.9"x8.5"x20.3"

CPU: Intel Core i5-2380P

Motherboard: Intel Z68

Hard Drive: Intel 120GB SSD

Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 480

Memory: 8GB DDR3-1333

Power Supply: NZXT Hale82 650w


Tournament Floor:

BenQ: Model RL2450HT

Resolution: 1080p


BenQ: Model RL2450HT

Resolution: 1080p

Equipment Rules

1. Players must provide their own mouse, keyboard, headset, and mouse pad. Players must use the PC and Monitor provided by MLG.

2. Players must provide their own account, with an active Starcraft 2 license, for the North America (NA) Region.

3. Please submit all mouse, keyboard, and headset driver requirements to by 11:59 PM ET on Monday, June 4th.

4. All Player equipment is subject to approval.

5. Players may not use a Wireless headset or a headset that requires an outlet for power.

6. Mice and keyboards must utilize standard USB interfaces. Players may not use PS2 interface equipment.

7. Players may not use 3rd party Add-ons.

8. Players may not alter game files or modify drivers.

9. For all Main Stage Matches, Players must wear noise dampening headphones and ear buds. Players must wear the noise dampening headphones provided by MLG. Players may wear the ear buds provided by MLG or their own, approved, ear buds.

10. Players may not disable the "Save All Replays" Gameplay Option, remove a replay, or copy a replay.

11. Players may not watch a replay after between Games.

12. Players may not have applications, browsers, or streams open other than the Starcraft 2 launcher or application and any necessary drivers.

13. Players may not change the video settings in Windows.

14. Players who break an Equipment Rule #5-13 will be given a Warning. Each subsequent Warning that a Player receives will result in a Forfeit of the Game (See Gameplay Rule #8).

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Some of the types of different headsets include the regular headsets which you have to plug in to the device in order to use them; another type of headsets available are the wireless headsets, which allows the user to use them wireless.

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Used on ebay......they are actually cheaper from their home site than buying them from another retailer..... i have a set they are great.

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You use callouts for MLG maps. You can search these easily up on google.

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MLG stands for Major League Gaming and is a professional gaming league. On Halo 3, Bungie has included a playlist with specifications for gameplay according to the regulations of MLG for their use, although anyone can use the playlist.

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i think they use xbox360 or playstation3

How do you become mlg?

You have to be invited on a team by an MLG player than you can be MLG

What kind of monitor does mlg use?

22" Viewsonic nx2232w

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You Don't get into MLG, MLG gets you into IT.

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What does mlg stand forhalo 3?

MLG stands for Major League Gaming

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