An MLG pro is someone that plays on on the PRO-Circuit Ladder or PCL or PCOQ which is a ladder on that you pay 25 dollars to join most MLG pros play Halo or Call of Duty but there is also Starcraft II and Super Smash Bros Brawl. Sometimes people with say "OMG IM MLG PRO" when they do something good in there game. There is lots of variations of what people mean when they say MLG pro such as some people think when they receive money from playing the game that they are PRO at it.
MLGid is a account witch can log into other MLG accounts like MLG TV , Doritos, and pro circuit
ask on the mlg forums because they r consistently changing them for instance t2 gt is airsquared and og2e is ogre2
Around 5k +
It all depends on placings. For placing in events, players get points. I'm not too sure on the details but a team normally gets a pro seed for placing within the top 16. Hope this helps.
It doesn't mean anything specific 'in Minecraft', it is short for Major League Gaming.
An MLG Pro is someone who blows off playing Xbox Live with their real friends to play with other MLG Pros , who are all in the MLG, but they have no idea who they are in real life. They take games way too seriously.
An MLG pro is someone that plays on on the PRO-Circuit Ladder or PCL or PCOQ which is a ladder on that you pay 25 dollars to join most MLG pros play Halo or Call of Duty but there is also Starcraft II and Super Smash Bros Brawl. Sometimes people with say "OMG IM MLG PRO" when they do something good in there game. There is lots of variations of what people mean when they say MLG pro such as some people think when they receive money from playing the game that they are PRO at it.
yes but it may not be called MLG it may be just slayer pro or variations.
No. Only in NHL
learn to spell first.
MLGid is a account witch can log into other MLG accounts like MLG TV , Doritos, and pro circuit
You just use pro mlg hax
They are many pro's such as("Carbon" Walshy"), (Triggers Down"neighbour), Instinct"("Roy and Lunchboxxx", the ogre twins but Ogre1 isn't compeating this season but Ogre2 plays for "Final boss"; they are around 50 pros on the circuit, but there is a new up and coming pro he is recently known and talented and he is called "Gunhall"; he is in a Mlg team called "Fraged Gaming" and he is looking for a Mlg Europe team and is also looking for a sponsor.
start by playing the game you want to be pro at ALOT. This takes alot of dedication. Get into playing and Play on these sites until you feel your ready to compete at a lan or MLG event. Go to these events and get noticed by the pros. Kepp playing and keep playing. I have been playing CoD for 6 years and 3 years competitive and im finally just getting noticed by the pros and pretty soon i will be pro. You have to place t16 twice or t8 once to be considered a MLG Pro.
You have to be invited on a team by an MLG player than you can be MLG
You Don't get into MLG, MLG gets you into IT.