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Nothin' hatches from a Lucky Egg......I WISH SOMETHIN' DID!

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Q: What hatches from a lucky egg in sapphire?
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What is a lucky egg in Pokemon sapphire?

A Lucky Egg is a held item that boosts the amount of EXP. the Pokemon holding the Lucky Egg gains.

How do you hatch an egg in sapphire?

You walk around until it hatches you have to have it on your party to do it to. Then it will tell you that it has hatched

How do you get lucky egg on Pokemon SoulSilver?

All you have to do is wait for a chansey swarm on the radio channel Mary and Oak, and then go there with a stantler. When you run into one, Stantler will frisk and find a lucky egg. Repeat to get more. I have no idea what hatches from a lucky egg, but I know how to get them. Good luck!Lucky Egg Can be obtained, by Getting a Chansy with a Lucky Egg. I think It is One of the Rarest Item in Pokemon Games...

When a Riolu hatches from an egg how do you make it to be it's shiny form?

Only by chance will it be a shiny when it hatches, theres no definite way.

Pokemon heart of gold what hatches from the egg?

A Togepi hatches from the egg.

Where do you find the normal egg which hatches in Pokemon sapphire?

1. Get it from the old lady in Lavaridge city(it hatches into a wynaut) 2. Put two compatible Pokemon of the opposite gender in the day care, and wait until the old man comes out and talk to him. You will get an egg.

When was Horton Hatches the Egg created?

"Horton Hatches the Egg" was created in 1940 by Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel).

Who is the author of horton hatches an egg?

Dr. Seuss wrote Horton Hatches the Egg.

How many pages does Horton Hatches the Egg have?

Horton Hatches the Egg has 64 pages.

How long till larvesta egg hatches?

A Larvesta egg hatches after 10,455-10,709 steps.

What do you do next when your egg hatches on secret builders?

After your egg hatches you name your pet and then you can take care of it.

How do you know when a egg hatches in pokemon?

you don't it just hatches. But, walking with the egg in your party will help it hatch