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Light. Since light is a refraction of energy from an object to another object, and does not weigh anything, it cannot take up space. You can walk through it, but you cannot feel it. You can almost always identify the source of the light, and once you do, you will see it is something creating that light from the chemical reaction within that object.

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Q: What has no mass and does not take up space?
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Is it possible for something to take up space and not have a mass?

no taking up space is having mass.

Does matter have mass and take up space?

Yes, all matter has a mass and takes up space.

Does everything take up space?

Anything with mass takes up space.

Is energy anything that has the mass and takes up space?

No. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space (has volume). Energy has no mass and does not take up space, therefore it is not matter.

Do mass take up space?

Yes, mass takes up space because mass is a measure of matter in an object, and matter occupies physical space. The more mass an object has, the more space it takes up.

Have mass and takes up space is it an element or compound or both?

Both elements and compounds have mass and volume (take up space).

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What does something have to have to be matter?

It has to take up space. (Have mass)

What has mass and can take up space?

(all) matter.

What is something that has mass and take up space?

One object that takes up space and has mass is matter.Anything that takes up space and has mass is called matter in physics. This is anything that has physical substance.

Is it true or false that Matter doesnt have to take up space as long as it as mass?

False. Matter, by definition, occupies space and has mass. All forms of matter have volume, which means they take up physical space.

What Has mass take up space?

All matter in the universe.