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you unlock a new pokemon.

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Q: What happens when you win the Pokemon league again?
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How do you Beat the Pokemon league 20 times in Pokemon diamond?

Get a team that can win once; they will only get better as you defeat the league again and again.

How do win the Pokemon league?

To win the Pokemon league you have to have strong Pokemon that are at least level 60 or higher. I won by using legendary Pokemon( but that was me :P)

Can you still get the dowsing mashine after meating dawn?

u go to the Pokemon league and face catharine again and win with nuothing

What happens if you win too much in Pokemon Battle Revolution?

you win the game.

How do you win the league in Pokemon FireRed?

have a dangon , fire , dark,ice,poison type Pokemon

How do you win the Pokemon league on Pokemon Yellow version?

hey, to win the Pokemon league, u've gotta build a balanced team with a mix of types that can handle your other Pokemon's weaknesses. This is what I used: Dragonite, Gengar, Venusaur, Kingler, Raichu, Rhydon/Nidoking

What happens if you win a minor league division?

Then you will go to major

Will ash ever win a Pokemon league?

Ash has won a league, the Orange Island League, in season two of the anime.

How do you win with champion Pokemon league?

By beating the elite for then Beating the champion.

How do you win the Pokemon league on Pokemon ruby?

Simple, beat the champion in the Pokemon league. p.s. The Pokemon league is tough, stock up on max potions,full restores,revives and elixers and ethers if you use to many moves.

Where do you go after you get the eighth badge in Pokemon pearl?

You go to the Pokemon league through victory road.You have to win!!!

Why Do Main Characters in Pokemon never win the grand festival or Pokemon league?

of course they do!who said they dont?